Page 57 of Perfectly Matched

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“My love,” Nikita said as she kissed Anna’s hand again. “Would you like to take it from here?”

Anna nodded. “My full name is Annabella Rosa Santos, and I was born in South America.”

Hannah sat upright as she stared. “Wait, you were born in South America?”

“Yes. I was three when my dad died, and my mother decided to migrate to the island. She had heard stories of its wonderful way of life. But it was hard to get here, and my mother had to make a lot of sacrifices. We finally made the journey when I was ten. My mom was a seamstress, and we settled into a small dwelling in the middle of town. When I was a teenager, she encouraged me to become a seamstress as well, but I had always been drawn to horses, so instead, I became a stable hand, tending the royal herd. I had a gift when it came to handling and riding them, so eventually, I was asked to help Princess Nikita with her equestrian skills. It wasn’t long before we became lovers.” Anna let the back of her hand trickle down Nikita’s face as she outlined her jaw.

“We were inseparable,” Nikita chimed in. “My heart beat only for her. When I became queen, we wed. Everything was wonderful, the island was in harmony, the mortals that did live here integrated and became one with the land. But when the uprising happened, I was so hurt from their betrayal and enraged at the death of Gemma that I banned all islanders not born of this land. The elders came to me that night and said by my own decree, I must cast Anna off the island. I forbade it, of course, and told them that no one shall speak of her heritage again.”

Hannah stood. “So you were born a—”

“Mortal. Yes.”

Nikita came up behind Hannah and placed a hand on her shoulder. “So you see, my dear, I too understand what it’s like to have the hands of a mortal pull your heartstrings.”

“But I don’t understand. If Anna was born a mortal, how has she survived centuries on this land?”

“She shares my blood,” Nikita said as she and Anna opened their hands and presented matching scars that ran the length of their palms. “Had it not been for my blood mixing with hers, we would have said our good-byes a long time ago. And life without my love by my side was a thought I couldn’t bear. And that is why, after much further discussion with my wife, and away from the influence of the elders, I have decided to grant Payson permission to reside here for as long as she wishes.”

Hannah dropped to her knees and placed her hands over Nikita’s as she began sobbing. “Thank you,” she repeated over and over as she rocked back and forth. “Thank you.”

“Thank my lovely Anna. For sometimes, she reminds me of the things I have forgotten or as she puts it…are too stubborn to admit.”

Hannah scooted over to her. “Thank you, Anna.”

“I see so much of what we once were in you two,” Anna said.

“And now,” Nikita said. “We shall leave you to have the rest of the night to yourselves. I shall speak to the elders in the morning. I expect some will be accepting, while others won’t. But maybe it’s finally time the laws are dusted off and reviewed. Some have been around for so long, even I have forgotten why my family put them in place. And more importantly, are they still relevant?” Nikita said as she and Anna escorted them to the door. “Whether you choose to live here or not is your decision to make.” Nikita gazed at Payson. “But know that you are always welcome.”

“Thank you,” Payson said as she bowed her head.

Hannah wrapped an arm around Payson’s waist and walked out into the night sky. Piper was leaning against the wall, waiting. She turned with questioning eyes toward Hannah, who smiled and nodded. “Yes!”

Piper ran to Hannah and jumped into her arms. “I’m so happy for you.”

Hannah laughed as she spun Piper in a circle, then returned her to the ground. “Thanks, Piper. Now come…” Hannah tilted her head in the direction of the town. “Join us at Brea’s for a late-night drink and celebration. I thought I’d introduce Payson to what real beer tastes like.”

“I would love to, but I think I’ll go find Tegan for a night of card playing. Enjoy and again, I am so happy for you. Welcome to our island, Payson.”

Payson approached Piper and hugged her. “Thank you for everything. And when you see Tegan, please explain as best as possible where I am and tell her that if she sees me sitting at my desk in a comatose state, do not disturb me.”

“I will.” Piper leaned out of the hug and stepped back.

“Piper, your necklace…it’s glowing.” Hannah pointed in disbelief. “How is that even possible since Payson and Madison never sealed the binding spell?”

“Well, what do you know?” She smiled as she glanced at them. “I had it recalibrated to glow if your star ever lit in the sky. Looks like it just did. Congratulations.”

Hannah looked up as a bright flash appeared, then calmed into a bluish-white glimmer, and she knew in her heart that it was their star. The one that held her and Payson’s names and sealed their destiny. “I knew it,” she said as she looked into the eyes that had captured her heart.

“Yeah, you did,” Piper said as she placed a hand on Hannah’s shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. “I’m sorry I ever doubted it,” she said as she took a step back. “Do you forgive me?”

“There’s nothing to forgive,” Hannah said.

Piper smiled and nodded. “So, um…maybe I’ll catch up with you two lovebirds later. For now, though, Lady Luck iswaiting for me. See ya around.” She snapped her fingers and disappeared.

Payson startled. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to her just popping in and out like that.”

“Yeah, she can be a bit of an exhibitionist.” Hannah linked her fingers with Payson’s as they turned and strolled in the direction of the city. “So you like it here, huh?”

Payson nestled against her. “I do. In fact, I never want to wake up.”

As they headed toward Brea’s, Hannah glanced at the twinkling names of love scattered across the night sky. She closed her eyes and said a silent thank-you to the universe for all she had been given in her life. When she opened her eyes, she leaned over and gave Payson a kiss on the cheek.

There were no arrows in the making of their love or special spells conjured up to bind them. The folklore of love at first sight proved true, and although Hannah didn’t completely understand how it worked, she hoped that, going forward, the laws of attraction and the ancient ways of the cupids could work together, hand in hand. After all, she was Hannah, giver of love, and for the first time, she finally understood the true magic behind that simple word that gave so much to so many.
