Page 81 of Unaware

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“I know how that sounds. Which is why we need to talk.”

“Alright.” I put little Ghost back with his family and allowed Logan to guide me over to the couch. Once we sat down, I watched Logan squirm as though he couldn’t get comfortable in his seat.

Logan wasn’t a squirmer.

Something wasn’t right.

Although alarm bells were ringing in my mind, I attempted to keep my cool. “What’s going on?”

“It’s about something I had to do when I was undercover. It’s not something I’m proud of having done, but I had to do it in order to keep my cover, if you get my meaning.”

I didn’t exactly, but I said, “I guess. What was it?”

Logan’s leg began to bounce, and he scrunched his fingers into his brown hair.

I took his hand and that seemed to ground him. “Logan, whatever it is you can talk to me about it.”

“I had to shoot up a couple of times.”

“‘Shoot up?’ You mean with drugs?” I sat back.

“It wasn’t my choice. They forced it on me. They wanted to test their new product, and since Tyrone and I were the new members, they used us as guinea pigs.”

“Shit, Logan, that’s horrible. What drug was it?”

“I don’t know. It didn’t have a name yet.” He slid up the cuff of his jacket to reveal bruised pin pricks on his skin.

I bit back a sob.

“Whatever it was, Aria, it was bad shit. I’ll have to come down off it sooner or later, and I’m already starting to feel withdrawal symptoms. It’s not going to be nice.”

I squeezed his hand tight. “That’s okay. I’ll be here for you the whole time.”

Logan shook his head once. “That’s the thing, though. I don’t want you to see me go through that. I don’t want to harm or abuse you in any way. You’re too precious to me.”

I felt his fingers in my hair as I squeezed my eyes shut against my tears.

“I need to see professionals for this, which is why I’m going to rehab.”

I was sure my face was a picture of shock, and I felt a tear stream down my face.

“Jackson and Mark organised it, and Jackson paid for it. We thought it was the best course of action. This way I’m getting the best round-the-clock care in one of the best facilities in the country.”

“How long will you be gone for?” I asked.

“Ninety days.”

“Three months?” I felt my heart sink even further.

He knelt in front of me, between my legs, and pressed his forehead against mine. “We’ll get through this, baby. I’ll come out the other side and I’ll be right as rain. I’ll be able to come home and marry you.”

“What?” I exclaimed, staring at him in shock again.

“Oh yeah, didn’t I already ask you about that?” His voice was full of mirth. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a flat case that looked like a wallet. Except, when he opened it, there was a simple gold band with a beautiful solitaire diamond sitting inside it. Logan grew serious. “Will you be my wife, Aria Jones?”

It was bonkers. Totally and utterly bonkers. We’d only known one another for a few months, and we still had so much more to learn about each other. But if we could make it through this—if I could finally learn to accept what his job entailed as he accepted mine—then we could get through anything. Including a stint in rehab.

“I never thought I’d be saying yes to a marriage proposal. But it’s you, Logan. It’s you and it will always be you, so yes. Yes, please, may I marry you?” Oh gosh, I sounded so simpering.
