Page 138 of Desiring Them

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Ruben kissed my temple. “We’re so lucky.” He hugged Louisa and me at the same time and then kissed Louisa’s cheek. “We’re lucky our best friend could be here with us.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.”

Ruben pinned Tate with a firm look. “Lou had better be the next one with a ring on her finger.”

Amazingly, the owner and CEO of one of the world’s largest companies looked sufficiently chastised. He glanced from Ruben to Lou and back again. “I’ll take it under advisement.”

Lou eventually pulled away from our little huddle. “Well, anyway, we’d better let you guys take a breather before the reception.”

“Get your dancing shoes on, girl,” I shouted at her.

Lou sashayed her hips as she and Tate headed out of the room, and we both giggled. I couldn’t wait to party with my best friend a little later.

Cruz pushed the door closed behind them and came back over to us as Augustus laid out another contract on his desk. “This is where the fun truly begins. This is the contract that matters. This is the contract that binds us together as legal guardians to Grover, the coming baby, and any subsequent children forthwith. It binds us together as property owners and as next of kin for one another. We may not legally be able to marry more than one person, so I found other legal ways around that problem. This contract means we will all be legally bound to one another. We will, for all intents and purposes, all be spouses to Sienna, Ruben, and Riva. Who wants to go first?” He held out an expensive pen toward Cruz and Jeremy.

Cruz didn’t hesitate for a second. He snatched the fancy, engraved pen from his brother and sat at the large timber desk.

As everyone took their turn, the reality of this undertaking set in. My life was becoming set in stone. I was in this for the long haul, and now our commitment would be officialized in this legally binding document. I put my hand on my swollen belly when I felt my baby kick. It seemed he knew what was happening, as well.

Augustus was the last to sign. When he was done, he slid the document into an A4 envelope and sealed it shut before affixing a stamp. He ran his gaze over Ruben, Riva, and myself. “Welcome to the family.”

Ruben threw his arms around Augustus and kissed him passionately.

I wanted to laugh and cry tears of joy. I wanted to bask in the love within this room for the rest of eternity.

I knew my wildest dreams had just come true.
