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Another week had passed and Viv was bulging out of her regular clothing. She needed to pick up some new pants, preferably with stretchy waistbands, as soon as possible. Convincing any of the guys that it was a necessity and not a luxury wasn’t going to be easy. Enlisting Dallas’ help might have been her finest idea in a damn long time and when she searched the room that Dallas, Savage, and Bowie were sharing, she found Dallas napping on their big bed with Greer and the baby. It was probably the cutest thing Viv had ever seen and she rubbed her little belly. She often wondered if she would be a good mother, especially now that she was around Dallas, who was a fantastic mom, and her kids. Watching her friend with her children had her doubting her abilities and Viv hated that.

She had always been the type of person to face any challenge head-on, never backing down from one. When her grandmother died, she picked up the pieces and did what was expected of her, taking over the diner and making it her own. She loved that place too, but it wasn’t her original plan. Hell, nothing in her life was as she had planned it to be. It was all better—the diner, moving into her grandmother’s little house and now, meeting Cillian and having a baby together. It was all so much more than she could have ever imagined. But, that didn’t stop her panic at the idea of having to take care of another human being or her worry at not doing a good job.

“You know, I can almost hear you thinking,” Dallas whispered.

“Sorry,” Viv murmured back. “I thought you were sleeping.”

“I dozed off,” Dallas admitted. “But, I can’t sleep with these two in the bed with me. I never was much of a co-sleeping parent. I always worried I’d roll over on the baby and smush her.” Viv watched as Dallas shimmied down the bed, trying to escape her sleeping children. Viv softly giggled and Dallas shot her a look that she was less amused by the whole scene.

“What’s up?” Dallas asked.

“It’s more like what’s out,” Viv corrected. She framed her growing belly with her hands, stretching Cillian’s t-shirt over her expanding waist.

Now it was Dallas’ turn to laugh. “Yeah, I’d love to tell you it gets better but it doesn’t. It gets worse, Viv. So much worse. I wish I could help you out but I don’t have any maternity clothes here.”

“I figured. Can you help me convince the guys to get me some? I’m pretty sure that they’ll think I just want to go on a shopping spree but I feel like I can’t breathe in any of my clothes. It’s getting to the point where I just want to walk around naked.”

“Lead with that,” Dallas offered. “Tell Cillian that you’ll prance around naked and he’ll take you out shopping.”

“I do not prance,” Viv protested. “But, I see your point. That might just work.”

“I’ll back you, Viv. Just say the word and I’ll push Savage and Bowie to support you,” Dallas promised.

“You just don’t want me walking around naked in front of your guys,” Viv grumbled.

Dallas giggled and nodded. “True,” she admitted. “But, I also remember just how miserable it was at the stage you’re in. You can’t fit in any of your clothes and you just want to cry and eat ice cream. Am I right?”

“Yeah,” Viv sighed. “Exchange ice cream with cookies and you have me pegged.”

“What if we persuade the guys to let you shop online and have everything delivered? That way you wouldn’t go out, putting yourself in danger. I could help you pick some stuff out,” Dallas offered.

“I’d appreciate that, Dallas.” Viv turned to leave the room. “And, if that suggestion fails, I can still walk around naked to solve my problem.”

Cillian walked into Dallas’ room, as if on cue. “Here you are,” he said. “I was starting to worry that you snuck out. Everything all right?” He looked past Dallas and Viv to where the kids were napping and smiled. “They’re so cute when they sleep,” he said.

Dallas barked out her laugh, “So, what are they when they are awake?” she teased. Cillian looked a little flustered, causing them both to giggle. “Don’t look so serious Cillian,” she said. “I was just teasing you.”

Cillian blew out his breath and chuckled. “So, what are you two up to, you know, besides busting my balls?”

“Well,” Dallas said, looking over at Viv. “Your baby is growing like a weed and Viv needs some clothes that fit her.” Dallas patted Viv’s belly for good measure.

“I get it,” Cillian said. “I can’t let you go off on a shopping spree right now. It’s just not safe.” Viv could feel herself pout and she knew she wasn’t playing fair. “Don’t give me the bottom lip, Viv. You know it’s just not right to go out now. We don’t know where Dante is. He could be close and I won’t risk you or our baby.” He cupped her tummy and she swooned. Viv hated that she sometimes had the reactions to Cillian she had. It would be so much easier if she was able to stay mad at the man, but that was nearly impossible.

“I guess you are going to have to go with plan B,” Dallas offered.

“What’s plan B?” Cillian asked.

“She’s going to prance around naked,” Dallas said.

“I told you I don’t prance,” Viv huffed. “But she’s not wrong. I’m running out of options here, Cillian,” She said.

Cillian looked her up and down and nodded. “Fine,” he agreed. “You and I go out alone and you don’t leave my fecking side. We’ll have Repo follow behind but keep his distance, just in case we have a tail. You will have one hour, at one store. Deal?”

“Yes,” Viv squealed. Greer stirred on the bed and they collectively held their breaths, watching as the toddler settled back down to sleep. “Sorry,” Viv breathed.

“That was a close one,” Cillian agreed.

Dallas giggled, “You two have no idea. That was nothing—just wait, you’ll see.” Viv and Cillian groaned in unison and the baby woke up crying.

“Shit, sorry,” Cillian grumbled. “How about we head out to get what you need and leave Dallas here to get some rest.”

“That ship has sailed,” Dallas mumbled. “But, go get Viv what she needs. Send Savage and Bowie back—they can take a turn with these two so I can grab a shower,” she said. “Mama needs a break.”

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