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Ryker paced the bar, waiting for his bride to appear and when Harlow stepped out of his office, she took his breath away. He met her in the hallway and took her hand into his own. “You look beautiful, honey,” he whispered into her ear.

“Thank you,” she gushed. “My mom did an incredible job picking out this dress.” He looked her over and had to admit, the dress was pretty, but the woman wearing it was all he could see.

“Yeah, she did,” he agreed. “She also did an incredible job making you too, baby.” He pulled her against his body and kissed her.

“You look very handsome in your suit,” she said. Ryker had Taz run by his old place and grab his navy-blue suit. Honestly, it was the only suit he owned, so he knew that it wouldn’t be too hard to find it.

“I’m just happy that it fits,” he said. “Your home cooking has me putting on a few pounds, not that I’m complaining about that.”

“Me either,” she said, running her hand down his ass to cup it.

“You two should save some of that for the honeymoon,” Taz teased. “Are you ready to get married?” he asked. Ryker and Harlow looked each other over and then looked back over to Taz. “We are,” they said in unison, causing him to laugh.

“Great,” he said. “Then, let’s get this show on the road. I’m also the caterer for this gig and the food won’t keep forever,” he said.

“Pushy,” Harlow teased. She went up on her tiptoes and gently kissed Taz’s cheek.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“For everything,” she said. “You are the best, Taz.”

“Well, if you really feel that way, how about you and I get hitched and you forget about that old guy over there?” he teased. All the guys in the club liked to give him shit about him being so much older than Harlow. The joke was on all of them though because age didn’t matter to Harlow. She loved him for who he was, and he had to admit, he felt the same damn way about her.

“Sorry, Taz,” she said, patting the big guy’s shoulder, “but I’m kind of in love with him and well, I did promise to marry him first. You just weren’t quick enough to catch me, big guy,” she said.

“All kidding aside,” Taz said. “If you ever need anything, I’m here for you Harlow. I might be Taz’s friend, but I’m yours too now—got it?” he asked. Harlow looked about ready to cry and Ryker felt a bit choked up by his friend’s admission. The last thing he needed was his bride crying before they even got through their vows.

“Okay, enough of that sappy shit,” he ordered. “You’re going to ruin your makeup, Taz,” he teased, causing Harlow to giggle.

“Right, shall we?” Taz asked. He held out his arm for Harlow and she took it. “I’d love to walk you down the aisle,” he said. “I know it’s not very traditional, but well, nothing about the two of you is traditional in the first place.”

“Thank you, Taz,” she said. “I’d love it if you walked me down the aisle,” she agreed.

“I’ll meet you both in there, then,” Ryker offered. “Don’t be long,” he ordered. “I can’t wait to make you mine officially.” She smiled and nodded back at him, and he felt like he was finally getting the other piece of his heart.

Ryker took his place down by the bar, where the guys had made a makeshift altar for them to stand under to get married. It was an arch covered in flowers and it was gorgeous. His brothers had really gone all out for him and Harlow. He couldn’t take his eyes off of his bride as Taz walked her down the aisle, and when she placed her hand into his, the whole damn world felt right for the first time in a long time.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you too,” she breathed. Harlow went up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips over his and Taz cleared his throat.

“We’re not to that part, guys,” he insisted.

“Well, hurry the fuck up and get to that part, Taz,” Ryker growled, causing the guys to snicker and make little comments about him being anxious to get to the honeymoon part. He was, but there was no way that he’d tell any of them that. He was looking forward to having his new bride all to himself for a week while Gloria Jean kept Iris. He loved Harlow’s kid as if she was his own, but he was excited to have alone time with Harlow.

“Works for me,” Taz said. “Cutting to the good part then, if that works for you, Harlow?” he asked.

“Works for me,” she agreed.

Taz nodded, “Do you take Ryker to be your lawfully wedded husband?” he asked.

“You’re not going to make me say words about obeying him and all that, right?” she asked.

“As if you’d every obey me, honey,” Ryker grumbled.

She shushed her soon-to-be husband and nodded, “I do,” she said.

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