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He pulled her into his arms and kissed her and Linc flanked her other side. “We need you there,” Linc whispered into her ear as Ethan finished kissing her. “Say you’ll stay with us and see where this thing goes,” he begged. Sure, he’d do a little groveling if that would get her to agree to stay at Ethan’s with them.

Ethan broke their kiss and she leaned into Linc. “Are you sure that you both want me there?” she asked. “I don’t want to be a third wheel.”

“You’d never be that for either of us,” Ethan breathed. “That’s just not possible.”

“No,” Linc whispered. “It isn’t possible for you to be a third wheel, honey. We both want you with us.”

“All right, I’d like that,” Ella agreed.

“Great,” Ethan said. “And if I remember, you’ve agreed to have dinner with us tonight.”

“Yes,” Ella said, “if you still have time for dinner. I know you said you have a busy day, and I’d be happy ordering in and getting a start on the security here at the office.”

“Nope,” Linc said. “Ethan and I learned a long time ago that working late nights only served to burn us out. We like having dinner plans, gets us out of here a bit sooner then we usually leave. I know just the place—I’ll make reservations,” he offered.

“That sounds great,” Ella said.

“We have two more meetings today, and then, we’re all yours,” Ethan said.

“Great, I’ll get started looking at your security measures here. Do I have clearance?” she asked.

“I’ll call down to security to let them know you’re on your way,” Linc offered.

“Thank you,” she said. “Just come find me when you two are ready to head to dinner. I’ll also need to stop by my place for a few things if I’m going to be spending time at your place, Ethan,” she said.

“Same,” Linc agreed. “I’ll need to pick up some things from my penthouse on our way out.”

“Not a problem,” Ethan agreed. “And we’ll be discussing some ground rules tonight over dinner.” Linc wondered if Ethan might give up on the rules, but he was right, they’d need them in place if the three of them stood a chance in hell.

“Yeah, I got the NDA that you two sent over to my office. You don’t take any chances, do you?” Ella teased.

“I know that you already signed one when you outfitted my penthouse, but we needed one in place for Linc and the corporate side of things. You okay with signing it?” Ethan asked.

Ella rolled her eyes and nodded. “I’ve already signed one for Ethan, I don’t mind. Listen, I’d never hurt either of you by talking out of turn about you or your business, but if me signing a piece of paper makes you both feel better, I’ll do it.”

“Thank you, honey,” Linc said. He pulled her in for another kiss and Ethan cleared his throat.

“Don’t hog her, man,” he said. Ethan took his turn with her and when he finished, he gave her ass a little swat, causing Ella to yelp and giggle.

“You two are trouble,” she accused. “I like it.” They watched as Ella walked out of Linc’s office and damn if they both didn’t sigh in unison.

“She might just be the perfect woman for both of us,” Ethan said. “Did I tell you or what?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Linc grumbled. “You called it. I like her, man, I won’t lie. Let’s not scare her off with too many rules,” Linc insisted.

“Hey, I thought that it was your idea to have rules in the first place,” Ethan reminded.

“It was, but I don’t want to scare her off,” Linc said.

Ethan chuckled and pulled him in for a quick, hard kiss. “I don’t think that’s even possible, babe. Our girl is tough as nails if you haven’t been able to tell. I don’t think that Ella Blue scares easily.”

“Good,” Linc said. “She’ll have to have nerves of steel to deal with the two of us. I know that one of us is pretty tough to take.”

Ethan laughed and slapped Linc’s shoulder. “Yes, you are,” he teased. “Now, let’s to the conference room before our three o’clock appointment decides to cancel on us for being late. We need this merger to go through without a hitch. Then, we can have some dinner with Ella and go over some non-terrifying rules.”

“Sounds like a plan, man,” Linc agreed, following Ethan out of his office. He just hoped like hell that his guy was right. The last thing they needed to happen tonight was to scare Ella off—not after they both just found her.

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