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“Tell me what happened.” Vivienne focused her attention on Francis, but she reached her hand out to rest it upon Ruby’s. The simple gesture bolstered her with a sense of peace, but the fear lay thick beneath it.

“When I heard of the queen’s capture, I set out to see if I could offer my services.” Francis unraveled his tale with the skills of a master. “I encountered Crispin in my travels and vowed to help him locate the queen.”

Ruby’s hands balled into fists in her skirts. She bit her tongue and cursed him in her mind. Vivienne squeezed her hands gently but remained focused on Francis’s tale.

“We located a holding near the northern border. A group of raiders had taken it, using the ruined castle as a place to hide.” His impassioned lies made Ruby’s stomach churn. “Before we could properly assess the stronghold, they found us.” He hung his head dramatically. “They welcomed Crispin with open arms, bragging about their success in capturing the queen.”

“Who were they?” Vivienne asked, her voice low.

“The Balmonts. Sir Henry’s family. Crispin paid them well to capture the queen and finish what they began all those years ago.” Francis turned his pitying gaze on Ruby before continuing. “He sought to sow division between us and our neighboring lands. His selfish needs grow darker with every passing day.”

Vivienne pondered on this information for a long moment. “Crispin loves Ruby. Why would he have her taken?”

“Crispin loves himself. I have seen his selfish disdain firsthand. He orchestrated this deception in order to distract from the challenge to his claim to the throne.” Tears filled Francis’s eyes. “Had I known the consequences of my decision not to abdicate, I would have chosen differently.” He met her gaze. “I cannot alter the past. God help me, I wish I could.”

Lying, vile, conniving serpent!Ruby raged against him in her mind. How she longed to cut out his tongue for besmirching Crispin’s name and his reputation.

“Crispin vowed he would keep his throne and his queen. He threatened to kill me if I did not abdicate.” He shook his head. “When I told him I would never relinquish my claim as a duty to my country, he turned violent, threatening to torture me before tying me to a tree and letting the wolves finish me.”

“How did you escape?” Vivienne remained calm, but Ruby saw the tension bracketing her mouth.

“Drunk on their victory, they celebrated with wine and whores.” Francis dropped his gaze as though the thought were too horrid to bear recalling. “I managed to slip free of my bonds and release Ruby before they woke. We traveled at night, hiding during the day seeking shelter in abandoned cottages. An old woman took us in and allowed us to bathe and don more suitable clothing.”

Ruby directed all of her rage into keeping her breathing controlled and even. She would not allow him to perpetuate these lies, passing them off as the truth. But she knew he would follow through on his threat. He would kill Crispin and Henry if she revealed his duplicitous nature. So, she remained silent allowing the guilt and pain to consume her soul.

“I am relieved you were able to escape and free Ruby as well. What horrors you must have endured, my son.” Vivienne released Ruby’s hand and extended it to Francis.

He took her hand and held it to his cheek. “I am only a servant following the will of the Lord.”

“Come. You must rest now. Both of you.” His mother rose, turning to Francis. “We will meet with the council tomorrow and alert them to this distressing revelation.”

“As you wish. I am yours to command.” Francis bowed in a mock display of piety.

Ruby nearly spilled the contents of her stomach. “I must rest.” She swayed in an effort to be separated from the monster in their midst.

“Of course, my darling.” Vivienne took her by the arm. “The servants will tend to your comfort. Francis, I must see Ruby is safely settled.”

“I will pray for your recovery, my lady.” Francis’s mask slipped for a brief moment, and she gasped at the look of warning he flashed before slipping his façade back into place.

Once she and Vivienne reached her chamber, Ruby collapsed onto the bed and allowed the tears to come. Vivienne settled down beside her and drew her into her arms.

“You are safe, darling. Shhh. Hush now. Just rest.” Her gentle touch and soothing words calmed Ruby. Her sobs stilled into delicate hiccoughs. Exhaustion pulled her deeper into its weighted embrace.

Vivienne tucked her into bed and called for her young maid to bring fresh water and food after stoking the fire. She retreated from the room, leaving Ruby alone with Mina.

“Mina,” Ruby called the sweet, young girl to her side.

“My lady. We were so worried about you.” Mina took her hand. Her tender smile warmed Ruby’s heart.

“I need you to do something for me.” She squeezed the girl’s hand. “Take a message to Matthew, the smith’s apprentice.”

“What shall I tell him, my lady?” Her eyes widened.

“Marian must gather the rosemary for Guy.” Ruby blinked away the returning tears.

“I do not understand,” Mina pleaded. “What does it mean?”

“He will know what to do. Now go. Quickly. Return once you have delivered the message.” She prayed it would succeed. “I wish for you to remain by my side.”
