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She refused to allow the grief to take control once more. There would be time to grieve afterward. Ruby focused instead on the situation at hand. She needed a plan. What would the Lady of the Forest do? How would she deal with such a villain?

The sun set, and they still had not reached Culver. Ruby shifted in the saddle, trying to glimpse the castle through the bare trees. The sliver of the moon hid behind the clouds overhead. A lantern swung from a pole attached to Francis’s saddle, casting light across the road ahead.

Relief filled her when they reached the village. The streets lay deserted as they wove through.

As they approached the main portcullis, a sentry of guards stood before them. One of the men addressed Francis.

“State your business.” His drawn sword glinted in the torchlight.

“I have returned with the queen and news of the king.” Francis’s reply shattered the silence.

The guards burst into agitated murmurs and moved aside. After a few frantic shouts, they motioned for the gate to open and waved Francis onward.

Ruby’s face heated at their curious gazes. She passed by forcing herself to wear a gracious smile and not scream for help. Once they reached the inner bailey, news of their return had spread through the castle.

Servants spilled from every corner of the bailey. When Ruby glimpsed the familiar faces, her heart nearly shattered with overwhelming relief. She feared she would never see them again. Matthew appeared by her side, taking the reins from her hands.

“Praise be the Saints,” he murmured as he helped her down from the saddle. “We thought you were dead, my lady.”

Ruby’s hands trembled under his kind touch. The ground nearly gave out beneath her. Matthew caught her before she fell.

“Let me help you.” He passed off the reins to a page and offered his support.

Ruby leaned into his strength, drawing from it allowing it to fortify her. This was the first true selfless act of kindness she had experienced since this ordeal began.

“Thank you, Matthew.” She straightened but clung to him unable to bear the thought of facing Francis again.

“What goes on here?” Vivienne’s question cut through the curious chatter of the crowd gathered in the bailey. She drew to a stop when her gaze fell on Francis. “What...?” Then she saw Ruby. She rushed forward and wrapped Ruby in a warm, comforting embrace. “Oh, my dear.” She gasped through her choked sob.

Ruby could say nothing. She clung to Vivienne and allowed the tears to fall unchecked. Relief and a mixture of conflicting emotions congealed in her chest. All she could do was bask in the soothing embrace of someone who truly loved her.

Vivienne stroked her hair. “We were so worried about you.” She drew back to search Ruby’s face. Her fingertips caressed her cheek and tears filled her eyes. “Praise be, you have returned.” After a long moment, she disentangled herself and glanced at Francis.

Ruby cringed at the look of confusion on her lovely face.

“Where is Crispin? And Henry?” Vivienne put a voice to the question burning in the minds of every soul in the bailey.

“Mother.” Francis stepped forward, his humble façade firmly in place. “Crispin has betrayed us all.”

Ruby’s stomach revolted at the knowledge of his duplicity and yet remained silent. Her hands clenched into fists beneath her cloak. No matter how much she longed to unveil his lies, she would not endanger the lives of the men who remained under his control.

“’Tis not possible.” Vivienne covered her mouth stunned into silence, her eyes wide.

“I loathe bringing you such distressing news.” Francis bowed low in a show of humility. “I saw him turn with my own eyes. Heard the truth from his lips. The king has forsaken his country and his queen.”

His proclamation had a profound effect on the crowd. A ripple of whispers cascaded over those standing in the bailey. As much as she loathed his deceit, she recognized the mastery of his plan. Revealing Crispin’s betrayal in such a manner planted the seed of doubt while also bolstering Francis’s claim to the throne and solidifying his role as her savior. By the morrow, the whole of Culver would hear the tale, and by week’s end, the kingdom of Meradin.

Ruby dug her nails into her palms to keep from defending Crispin’s honor and exposing Francis’s plot.

“Come inside,” Vivienne directed, giving both her and Francis her familiar matronly grimace of distaste. She knew the consequences of such a revelation in the midst of the crowd and sought to mitigate it. The Queen Mother was no fool. Ruby could only hope Francis underestimated his mother as much as he did her.

With a longing glance over her shoulder at Matthew who stood stroking Ghost’s neck, Ruby followed Vivienne’s lead, seeking comfort as she took Ruby by the arm and escorted her inside the great hall. Francis stepped into her view, his gaze stern and filled with warning.

Vivienne took charge shouting directions to the stunned servants. A flurry of activity surrounded them as they worked quickly to secure several seats before the oversized hearth and retrieved food from the kitchen.

Ruby sat beside Vivienne, putting as much distance between herself and Francis as she could. To all the rest of those present, he was the epitome of graciousness and humility. But she marked the sly glances he bestowed upon her ensuring she remain compliant to his instructions. She linked her fingers together in her lap to keep her hands from trembling.

Once the servants finished their duties, Vivienne dismissed them. Only the three of them remained in the great hall. Even though she sat near the fire, a chill ran through her in anticipation of what Francis would reveal with his forked tongue.
