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“My actions laid a course for Simon to set his plan into motion.” Crispin rose to his feet and paced the small garden path. “Perhaps father had been correct in his decision to disinherit me and leave me to die alone and penniless. ’Tis what I deserve.”

“Your father was wrong to use it as a weapon to force you to change and adapt, to try and mold you into a man you would never be.” His mother set her tea aside and stood. She blocked the path, keeping him from pacing.

Crispin clenched his hands into fists as the agitation roiled inside him. He took several deep breaths but there were no words, only anger and frustration and regret.

“He was wrong, Crispin.” Pride laced her words. “There is a passion burning inside of you that far outshines both your father and your brother.” She grasped him by the shoulders. “You will do wonderful things for this country and our people. Both you and Ruby have endured so much and suffered such loss so early in your union, but I have seen growth and determination in you to overcome that which would have crippled your brother.”

Straightening, Crispin stood taller at her declaration. Even through the lies and mistrust Simon attempted to use to manipulate and turn those he once trusted against him, his mother never abandoned hope. She believed in him, even when the whole kingdom thought him a wastrel and a deviant. Her faith bolstered his determination and courage. He would be the best king Meradin had ever seen.

“Taking the throne and binding yourself to Ruby simultaneously was a challenge you embraced with fervor.” Her eyes sparkled in the winter afternoon light. “But make no mistake, you rose to the occasion, and it made you a better man as well as a more adept ruler. She balances you in ways no one else can. You need each other like the flowers need the sun to blossom and thrive.”

“I nearly lost her.” Crispin’s mind replayed the moment he found her standing beside Simon after thinking she was dead. Fury engulfed him once more superseding the helpless pit of misery gaping in his chest. “I nearly lost Henry as well.”

“’Tis true, but they survived because they are strong, like you.” She cupped his face in her hands, warming his cool skin and infusing him with her vigor. “Marian has assured me Henry will recover completely with time and care.” His mother regarded him carefully. “As for Ruby, well, I am sure you will have her with child again before the spring.”

Crispin smiled at the thought of his wife round with his child. ’Twould be no hardship for him to take her to bed every night. He longed for the opportunity to bury himself inside Ruby, but she needed adequate rest before they engaged in pleasurable activities once again. It pained him not to be able to comfort his wife in every possible way. And fucking could be pleasurable while comforting both parties involved. A wicked grin split his lips at the thought.

“Perhaps you should focus your thoughts and attention on your royal duties rather than your husbandly duties first, my son.” His mother released him and retrieved her mug from the bench.

“I am merely reflecting on the idea you placed in my mind, Mother.” He opened the door for her and followed her into the warmer corridor. “You cannot blame a man for desiring his wife.”

“I lay no blame at your feet for your natural urges, however, you must be gentle with her. Such a loss cannot be thrust aside carelessly.” She glanced at him as they walked side by side toward the great hall.

Crispin understood and respected the delicacy of the grief Ruby bore. He himself bore it, however not to such an extreme extent. He had not carried the child nor felt the keen loss of its life growing within him. Ruby was strong and resilient, but she needed to heal her body and her heart before he plied her with physical affection.

“I fully intend to care for Ruby in a respectful manner, you need not worry on that count.” Crispin pushed open the door into the great hall, causing the servants around the room to glance up at their arrival. They dipped low in respect and carried on with their duties.

His mother paused before they reached the head table and turned to face him. “Have you given thought to your punishment for Simon’s treason?”

A plethora of possible means appeared in his mind, but Crispin could not voice such grotesque wickedness aloud to his mother. He merely gave a regal nod.

“I have, Mother, and you can rest assured I will mete out this justice and rid my conscience of Simon forever.” He grinned. “But I will not soil your soul with such things.”

“My soul is not as untarnished as you may think.” She shook her head. “Perhaps ’tis better if I do not know what becomes of him. The less we dwell on his treason, the better we can heal.”

“Perfectly said, Mother.” Crispin bowed and left the great hall.

There was one thread left and he fully intended to unravel it before burning it to the ground. A vendetta awaited. But first, Crispin needed to deal with the only person left in this debacle that he did not trust.

Ruby’s young maid passed him in the corridor.

“You there.”

She stopped and bowed. “Your majesty, how may I serve?”

“Have Ivy come to my presence chamber, posthaste.”

“At once, sire.” The girl curtseyed and darted down the hall.

Crispin retreated to his presence chamber and poured some wine. While he would not deny his friend his love, he held no confidence in her loyalty to him or the people of Meradin. An understanding must be reached, but it would take time and action to ensure Ivy could be trusted within these walls.

The knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. “Enter.” He straightened to his full height.

Ivy entered, closing the door behind her. She wore a simple kirtle and gown, her chestnut hair hidden beneath a cap. “You summoned me, sire?”

“Aye. Come closer.” He eyed her with suspicion. This woman created a whirlwind of chaos in her wake. Even though her actions allowed their escape, Crispin could not bring himself to trust anyone who was trained by the Guild.

“You told me you were sold to the Guild as a young child.” Crispin leaned against his desk, his gaze focused on the woman before him.
