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“This is the truth, sire. I was purchased by the Guild and then trained to do their bidding.” Ivy remained steadfast. Her voice strong and her words clear.

“They then sold you to the highest bidder as a trained assassin.”

“I was trained in many things, sire.” She cocked her head. “But for brevity’s sake, the title of assassin fits adequately enough.”

“And Simon purchased your contract, is this correct?”

“I knew not the identity of the man behind my purchase.”

“But you have no doubts that man is Simon?”

“None, sire.” Ivy straightened, her expression blank.

“Do you claim loyalty to him still?”


Crispin inclined his head, a feral smile curling his lips. “According to the code of the Guild, you are bound to him until such time as he releases you from your contract or he is dead.”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “This is true.”

“Then tell me, Ivy. How am I to place my trust in you? I cannot place my faith in you merely on the whimsical request of my lovelorn companion.” His expression hardened. “Henry might be foolish enough to allow you possession of his heart and his protection. But I have much higher expectations than pretty promises and illusions of repentance.”

“Your majesty, I...”

“Furthermore, your actions led to the death of my unborn child. A vile deed I cannot forgive.” Crispin closed the distance between them, his fury barely tethered. “Can you deny your part in my queen’s capture and the murder of our child?”

“I cannot, sire.” All pretense dropped when Ivy lifted her gaze. “I vow, I knew nothing of Simon’s intention to bring harm to the queen or kill her child. Had I known of his intentions, I would have intervened.”

Crispin searched for some sign of duplicity or deception, and yet all he found were the haunting sounds of resignation in her tone.

“Do with me what you will, sire. I deserve punishment for my role in Simon’s betrayal.” Ivy’s calm acceptance left Crispin stunned.

“Should I allow you to live out the rest of your days, what assurance do I have of your loyalty to the crown?” He circled her quiet form.

“I pledge myself completely.”

Crispin’s smile widened. “Shall we seal it in blood?”

“Blood, sire?”

“Aye, the blood of a traitor may wash away your sins.” Crispin held her gaze for a long moment, unsure if his implication was understood. He could order her to kill Simon, but she must take the initiative to free herself from the Guild’s bonds. “Cut away the last remaining ties to the Guild, and I will allow you a fresh start in my kingdom.”

Ivy’s expression brightened.

“Mark my words, should you fail in your task, should you betray me, I will string you up outside the gates and let the crows feast upon you as a warning to all traitors,” Crispin growled.

“Aye, your majesty.”

“Very well, you are dismissed.” He called out as she reached the door. “Ivy.”

She turned. “Sire?”

“This conversation does not leave my chamber, am I understood?”

“Of course.” She nodded in acknowledgment and slipped quietly from the room.

Crispin poured a goblet of wine and sat before the fire. He prayed his friend’s misplaced love would not lead them into regret.
