Page 9 of Kiss the Girl

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Relaxing a bit, he smiled. “Um…I don’t think I’ll need a ride and I don’t have a specific date yet. As soon as I do, I’ll let you know.”

“That’s great.” Garrett paused for a moment. “You know what? I need to go. We just had an emergency call in, so I’ll talk to you soon. Take care.”

“Yeah, you too, bro.”

Letting out a long breath, Jackson tossed his phone onto the cushion beside him. Talk about rotten timing. Why did his deadbeat of a father have to return now? Why couldn’t he have just stayed away?

It was a good thing he was deployed the last time, because there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he would have kicked the old man’s ass. He and his brothers weren’t kids anymore and maybe if he had been home at the time, the old guy might not have pulled that stunt with the money.

“Shit.” Raking a hand through his hair, he looked around and knew he needed a distraction. He wasn’t even back for a day and already things were crazy.

It seemed like he had made the right decision to come and stay at Liam’s place in Laurel Bay for a few weeks before officially going home to Magnolia Sound. With the way things were going to go, it was probably best for everyone for him not to be directly involved in whatever was going to go down with his father.

Of course, he’d gladly get in his buddy’s truck and step in if he had to, but the reality was that he’d undoubtedly make things worse. Most people, meaning his family, thought he was fairly easygoing—probably because whenever he came home, he was just so happy to see everyone. In truth, he was as much of a hothead as his brothers.

If he had to pick one, he was definitely more like Austin.

Garrett was the most laid-back out of the three of them and if anyone needed proof of that, their phone conversation was the best example he could give. Jackson knew if their father showed up at his brother’s clinic, Garrett would be civil to him. Hell, he’d probably give the guy the whole benefit of the doubt and let bygones be bygones. After all, in the end, he hadn’t needed the money Cash promised him.

“Me either,” he said as he got to his feet and walked back over to the bakery box. “Whatever dear old Dad is selling, I’m not buying.” Picking up a brownie, he took a big bite and moaned at how freaking good it was. “But I will definitely be buying more of these when I venture back to Magnolia!”
