Page 11 of Dragon's Assassin

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“Well, you are in there, I was beginning to think…”

“Now, you knew I was here. I’m the one who made with the wings and got you the hell outta Dodge.”Huffing out a sharp breath, she sighed,“I should’ve made you stay. Forced you to saunter up to that good-lookin’ Dragon and kiss him like you wanted it.”

“Well, thank the Great Goddess that didn’t happen.”

“Why? Give me one good reason why waiting is better.”


“Yep, that’s what I thought, you got nuthin’. Sheez,”the Fairy grumped.“When have you ever been shy? About anything?”

“Well, umm, never?”

“Yep, never is the correct answer. Would you like one of those cookies Bonnie and Maggie make?”

“No,” Alex snapped. “I do not want cookies. I wantthatDragon. And another thing, the next time I see Creed, I’m gonna walk right up to him, introduce myself, and lay a kiss on him that he’ll never forget.”

“Hell yeah,” Bonnie whooped. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about.”

“Oh shit,” Alex gasped, slapping her hand over her mouth. “Did I say that out loud?”

“You did and I couldn’t be happier,” Maggie beamed. “Now, I’m gonna get outta here and make sure they’ve got the bar all cleaned up. Amy should be here any minute.” Tapping her temple, she went on, “Ang just let me know they’re on their way. I told Amy she could stay the night, but she insisted on coming back to be with you.”

“Yeah, I’m not surprised. We don’t get to see each other very much. She doesn’t get to leave the Mound very often, and I’m shit for keepin’ in touch.”

“Yes, you are,” Maggie chuckled. “But we all love you so much, we overlook it.”

“Thank goodness.”

“Okay, Girlie,” Maggie waved with one hand as she opened the door with the other. “I’m outta here. I’ll see you…”

“Alex. Alex Alex-Alex-Alex-ALEX!” Amy screamed running past Maggie, skidding to a stop in front of her sister, and shoving an iPad under her nose. “We gotta go to Dallas and we gotta go right now. You got a… a… a…”

“A Mark,” Alex deadpanned, rolling her shoulders and turning towards the bedroom. “It’s called a Mark, Ames and unfortunately, that’s one invitation I don’t get to decline.”
