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“Oh, I’m okay…” And that was as far as Ellie got before the Valkyrie disappeared around the corner.

Pulling his Mate close, needing to know for sure that she was okay, Ranger whispered to Carradoc, “Ellie’s okay, right?I moved her out of the way fast enough?"

"Yes, she is, and yes, you did," the Dragon King quickly responded. "But you need to check your scar. There seems to have been some of the internal tissue dislodged. I am repairing it, and the strength of our Mating Bond with Ellie is helping more than I could have imagined in the short time you have been together, but you must make sure there is no external bruising."

“I’ll see to it when I get Ellie safely into her room. I don’t care about...”

“You’ll see to it now,” Ellie growled, grabbing the hem of Ranger’s T-shirt and yanking it up. “What the hell am I gonna do with you? Did you really think you could talk to your Dragon without me hearing? And, I just have to ask…” Stopping with one hand holding his shirt up way farther than it needed to be and the fingers of the other running across his scar and the skin around it, she held perfectly still, her eyes spearing him with a look that left no room for argument. “If I hadn’t heard what Carradoc said, would you have told me that… that… that that asshole elbowed you this hard?”

Pointing at the purple and blue bruise already blooming across his ribs, Ranger decided to be completely honest and hold nothing back. It wouldn't do any good anyway, and he never wanted to keep anything from Ellie. There'd been enough of that crap between them to last a lifetime.

Shrugging, he openly admitted, "I don't honestly know. I probably would've told you before I took my shirt off, and you saw it for yourself.

"Arrrgggg," Ellie fumed. "That will not do, Ranger McAllen Evans. That will not do at all. Do you hear me?" Shoving the hem of his shirt down with considerable force, his little Mate got up on her toes, stretching to make herself as tall as she could and gently, but with enough force to let him know she meant business, held onto his chin with her thumb and forefinger.

Pulling his face to hers, she made sure there was no room for misunderstanding or negotiation as she spoke clearly, concisely, and slowly, “I love you, Ranger Evans. I love you more than I ever thought possible, but I will skin your hide if you ever try to keep anything from me. Ya’ got me? Is that clear?”

"Yes, ma'am," he instantly answered, trying hard not to laugh at what he imagined the scene looked like to any onlookers.

Unable to hold back his chuckles, he quickly explained so Ellie wouldn't get mad. "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at what this must look like to anyone walking by and what my brothers, Momma Barbara, and Owen would say if they could see me getting my ass chewed by my Mate in the first couple of hours of being with her. Not to mention that you're about a foot shorter than I am, and you aremost definitelythe one in control.”

Laying her lips to his, Ellie’s voice floated through his mind,"I'll be sure to tell them the first chance I get, but in the meantime, you remember what I said."

Pulling back long before he was ready, Ellie winked and turned towards the wall of elevators. Tangling her fingers with his, she giggled, "Now, get me upstairs so I can get ready in record time. I'm starving."

"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled in reply. "Your wish will always be my command."

In the elevator and on the way to the fifth floor, Ranger was disappointed that they weren't alone but figured it all worked out for the best since he was hungry - heading to hangry - and knew his Mate needed to eat after their day of lovemaking. Jumping out as soon as the doors slid open, he held tight to Ellie's hand as they crossed in front of the cozy sitting area.

It was perfect for what he had in mind. Huge, overstuffed couches with all kinds of throw pillows in earth tones, glass top redwood tables, and a fireplace he'd love to have in his own home. Whoever had designed it expertly positioned the furniture to provide the guests with private little alcoves where they could cuddle without prying eyes.

Pointing at the casually romantic setting, he bent down and whispered, "Maybe I can start a fire, and we can share a bottle of wine out here after dinner."

“Oh, that sounds nice,” Ellie cooed, turning to face him, her eyes bright with love and adoration.

Too soon, they were at her door, and his Mate was sliding her keycard into the lock. Unable to let go of her hand, wondering if he’d even be able to breathe while they were apart, Ranger kissed her once. When that wasn't near enough, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her feet off the floor.

Backing Ellie against the wall, sure no one would see them since they were at the very end of the hall, he kissed his Mate long and hard, making sure she never doubted how much he loved her. Lifting his head and gulping at the air, his chest puffing out with pride at the sight of Ellie’s kiss-swollen lips and the lust making her eyes heavy-lidded, he teased, "You know, we could just order room service."

Pushing at his chest, her smile so wide and bright with affection that it nearly blinded him, Ellie shook her head and scoffed, "Put me down, you beast and let me go get ready. I want that steak, and I want it hot and right off the grill."

"Are you sure?" Ranger sing-songed, waggling his eyebrows. "Ya' know, I know the owner. I bet I can get it just as hot and quick up here."

“No,” Ellie pretended to be cross while her eyes were sparkling with laughter. “We’re going to be civilized and eat in the restaurant.” Leaning her head to his and kissing along his jawline, she whispered, “And then I am gonna race you back up here, tear your clothes off, and have my wicked way with you.”

Swinging Ellie in a complete circle and whooping, “Yeehaw, hell yeah, I love you.” Setting her back down in front of her door, Ranger added, “You got a deal.” Softly swatting her on the behind then rubbing away any sting he might have caused, the Guardsman put his lips to his Mate’s ear and whispered, “I’mma hold you to every word,mo chroí.”

Hearing her soft inhale and the uptick on the beat of her heart was enough, but when Ellie replied, “Oh, you won’t have to,” Ranger knew he’d died and gone to Heaven.

Stepping back before he got to the point where he couldn't or wouldn't, Ranger waited until Ellie was inside her room, had blown him a kiss, and he heard the lock click into place before he turned around. Sliding his keycard into the big brass mechanism, the Guardsman was in his room and undressed in record time.

Jumping into the shower, singing a happy tune, he chuckled aloud, “And I won’t be needin’ to take care of my business by myself this time, now will I?”

Looking at himself in the mirror grouted into the tile, he snickered, “Oh, hell, no, you got as good as you gave, Ranger, my boy. You are one lucky son of a bitch.”

Running the soap over his chest and across his abs, two things immediately popped into his mind. “I'm not feeling the least bit panicked anymore and..."His finger dancing over his scar, he added, “And, unless I've lost all my marbles, this ugly thing is getting smaller.”

“Indeed, it is,”Carradoc chimed in.“It is truly the power of love. Remember, my boy, the Universe does not make mistakes.”
