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Chapter Three

“Wait… What?... How did…? You’re here. Lottie, you’re here. Thank the Goddess! I’ve been tryin’…”

But she wasn’t paying attention. Not even the tiniest bit. Donovan Cross, aka ‘the butthead with a badge’ was stammering and stuttering, calling out her name over and over again as he held out his hands then shoved those same perfectly sculpted, alluringly long fingers through his wonderfully thick, dark hair. Trying to spit out something he obviously thought was incredibly important, while precariously moving closer and closer, the Guardsman was failing miserably in the most adorable of ways.

For a split second, maybe longer if she was honest with herself and had any intention at all of listening to Astrid, the Sleipnir Shifter almost paid attention. Came seriously close to dropping her guard, listening to what he had to say, and dare she admit, forgiving him for being a complete and total jerk some six weeks prior.

But Lottie was having none of it. Yes, she was interested, enticed, and weakening by the second. Oh, Great Goddess Rhiannon, she wasmore than tempted. The Sleipnir Mare was attracted, excited, and way too aroused at just the sight of the one man in all the universe made for her. He was everything she’d ever dreamed of having in a Mate.

Strong, intelligent, mouthwateringly handsome, fearless, and damn it all to hell, could fill out a suit like no other man she’d ever laid eyes on…

And speaking of eyes…

That amazing Dragon had the sexiest, most mesmerizing, deep brown peepers of any man on all the seven continents combined, and Lottie should know. She’d been to every single one more times than a hound dog has fleas.

Temptation in Gucci loafers. That’s what Prue called him. Better than eating rocky road in purple flannel PJ pants with a hot chocolate chaser while snuggled under her favorite blanket watching old movies on a rainy day was how Lottie thought of him. Just gazing at Donovan Cross made her heart pound, her body quiver, and her mind race with all the ways she wanted to get him naked.

Then he opened his mouth and made her pray for extra-strength duct tape and twenty-five feet of rope.

Ain’t love grand?

It wasn’t that Donovan was an asshole, no, that title was reserved for that egotistical piece of Dragon dung, Chase Winters. That Special Agent needed a special slap of the Magic of the Goddess right where the sun didn’t shine.

But that was a story for another day. In that very moment, Lottie needed to find out why the most egotistical, exasperating, hardheaded, good-looking, sexy Dragon in the whole damned world was at Crimson Moon.

And she needed him to shut the heck up while she did it.

Jerking her head to the side, eyes doing her best to shoot imaginary daggers in his direction, Lottie growled, “Hush, Dammit.”

“But Lottie, you just gotta…”

“I don’t gotta do nothing but this.”

With a single, echoing snap of her fingers, Magic filled the air, and the snap, crackle, pop of the Power of the Goddess filled her body. “Go get checked in and wait in your room, Cross. I’ll deal with you later.”

Just like that, from one blink of an eye to the next, the oh-so-sexy Dragon was whisked to the front desk of the resort on a cloud of mysticism and mayhem that only Lottie could conjure. Sure, it was impetuous. Yes, it was more than a little childish. Absolutely, she did it to remove temptation from the equation.

And, most of all, she didn’t regret it one little bit. But then again, maybe she was just avoiding the inevitable.

Spinning towards her momma’s best friend and the oldest Valkyrie in the world, Lottie leveled her glare and snapped, “Alright, Ji, out with it. Why is he here?” Index finger of her right hand jumping to attention, the magically charged air between them sizzling, she slowly shook her head while adding, “And this better not be one of your hairbrained match making schemes. I don’t…”

“She’s gonna say she doesn’t have time, but that’s just a load of bullshit,” Astrid’s raspy voice flew from Lottie’s lips. “I’m praying to the Great Goddess Rhiannon, Fate, the Universe, and anybody else that will listen for an extra strength dose of common sense to hit our Lottie square in the ass. This girl needs to get her shit together and work with that mannotagainst him. Don’t you agree?”

Pushing through the wall of ancient Magic instantaneously and obnoxiously constructed by her alter ego, Lottie got as far as snarling, “Astrid, stop this sh…!” before being thrown to the back of her own mind.

Still fighting to regain control over not only her spirit, but most importantly her mouth, Lottie warned,“I swear to all that’s holy, Astrid, as soon as I get outta here, I’m gonna turn you into a unicorn, shrink you to the size of a teacup and give you to one of the little female Wolves in the Sampson Pack.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

“Just hang on to your tits, Lots. I need to talk to Jianna.”

And just like that, Lottie was not only a passenger in her own body, but she was rendered mute by a single thought of the cantankerous Mare who continued to ramble on like a lovesick teenager.

“Donovan Cross looks good enough to eat and that Dragon of his… Oh. My. Goddess, Daig was built for sin, So, please Jianna, if you’re playin’ matchmaker, pour on the speed and get Merlin to add a little hocus pocus. Lottie needs this. I need this. You just gotta… arrrrrrggggggh.”

Jumping to the forefront, Lottie shoved Astrid back with a mighty slap of the Magic of the Goddess, snarling,“And stay back there. This is not a democracy. This is not how the game is played. I will carry my happy ass all the way to the Isle of Skye, climb that bloody mountain, and live in the Temple of Rhiannon for as long as it takes to get a new Sleipnir Mare to share my soul with if you dare to do that to me again.”
