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Deacon spun all the way around, the scarf forgotten. “What are you talking about?”

Elena sauntered right by him, scarf in hand, to his desk. His eyes were on me, so he didn’t see her opening his drawers and drawing out a long pair of scissors.

“I asked you nicely to cancel the party. Since you’re unwilling, I’ll be sending the recording I just made to President Whitlock. Elena and Helen will also act as witnesses to everything we heard.” I crossed my arms, meeting him square in the eyes. “And if you don’t stop harassing me during and after class, including in the library and my suite, I will hand over all the notes you’ve left me to the police and request a restraining order. When I leave this room, I want nothing more to do with you, Deacon Forrestor—not that I ever wanted it in the first place. And in the future, when a girl tells you no, that’s the final answer. Being creepy and writing terrible poetry will not change that.”

Before he opened his mouth, Elena giggled. “Whoopsie!” She’d sliced the scarf clean in half. “I guess my hand slipped.” She dropped the scarf and scissors, picked up her bat, and swiped everything off Deacon’s desk. “Damn, slipped again.”

She skipped right past him to the door like a preppy Harley Quinn, giving him a crazed wave as she exited. I knew it was more for show than anything, to keep him on edge and distracted as Helen and I escaped, but I couldn’t say she didn’t scare me just a little too.

Deacon was hot on our heels as he ran toward the stairs. “Fucking bitches. I’ll destroy you. You’re so fucking fucked, you pigs. You fucking filthy cunts. You’re dead.”

He chased us all the way outside where we were intercepted by two very big, very strong, very angry men. Luckily, they were on our side.

Theo shoved Helen behind him. “We’ll talk about this later.”

Lock grabbed my bicep in one hand, Elena’s in the other, and moved us behind him. When Elena tried to sneak right back in front of him, his arm shot out, blocking her.

“Stay, Elsa, or I will spank your ass red,” he growled so low, only the three of us heard.

Elena froze, cheeks flaming, staring at Lock like he’d both lost his mind and pushed a button she hadn’t known existed. He turned his back on her. She continued staring.

Theo was having a word with Deacon and a few other guys I didn’t recognize. Deacon was being held back and quieted by the guys with cooler heads as Theo calmly explained his father, President Whitlock, would be hearing all about the Dogfight party from him personally.

I let Theo handle it from here, because I’d done it.Iwas the one who’d come up with this plan. I tricked Deacon into spilling everything about the party, including dropping names. And I was the one who would be taking this stupid, backward frat down. Buh-bye, laughing boys.

Pride surged through my veins. I’d stood up for myself and other girls. For once, I hadn’t sought out a man to help or hide behind. My own bravery had taken me by surprise—and I was high off it. If this was what taking a stand felt like, I’d do it more often. I’d suck it up, find my voice, and use it.

Helen tucked me under her arm. “You did good, Z. These boys are toast.”

“You were pretty scary.” I elbowed Elena. “And you…remind me not to meet you in a dark alley.”

She glared at Lock’s wall of a back. “Does he really not know my name? Are you kidding me?”

Helen and I made eye contact. She laughed first, and once she started, I couldn’t stop myself. For the first time in a week, I was happy. Genuinely light and not weighed down by heartbreak.

Everything was going to be okay. Maybe not right now or even soon, but I’d get there.
