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Chapter Thirty-one


Unknownnumber:Is this Zadie?

I stared at the message. I’d meant to turn my phone’s sound off before falling asleep, but I’d passed out after a crying jag, so that hadn’t happened.

It was six in the morning, and I was awake, wondering if I should reply. As always, curiosity won out.

Me:It is. Who’s this?

Unknown number:Marco. Got your # from Julien’s phone. Wanted to let you know he’s in the hospital. He got hit by a car. He’s in a coma. Shit is rough right now, but I thought you should know. He doesn’t have a lot of friends, no family. He needs prayers, good thoughts, anything you got, Z.

I nearly dropped my phone but held it tight. Julien was hurt? No, no, no. I’d just seen him two nights ago. Vibrant, healthy, alive. How could he be in a coma?

Me:Where is he? I’m coming.

Marco:No, you can’t come. Amir’s barely hanging on. He’s yelled at two nurses already. I don’t think seeing you will help anything. Julien needs your prayers, baby girl.

Me:Of course. I won’t stop. ButI’d really like to see him too.

Marco:I’ll keep you updated. If there’s a time I think is good for you to stop by, I’ll text. For now, pray, healing thoughts, vibes, all that.

Me:Please. I won’t stop thinking about him.

I fell back on the bed, all cried out. This was surreal. Two weeks ago, I’d had breakfast with Julien in his kitchen. Two weeks that might as well have been another lifetime. He was so far removed from me, I couldn’t even go see him at the hospital.

If I let myself think about Amir, about how much he must’ve been hurting, I would have buckled. I couldn’t even allow my mind to go there.

More sleep wasn’t coming, so I got up and went through the motions of my day—busywork to keep me breathing and sane while I waited for an update from Marco.

It was for the best he hadn’t told me where Julien was. I didn’t think I would have been able to stop myself from going there. This waiting game was torture. But I didn’t text him or bother him. I wanted Marco to give all his concentration to Julien…and Amir.

At seven that evening, I finally received the text I’d been waiting for.

Marco:If you want to come down, I’m taking overnight duty while Amir gets some sleep at home.

Me:I’m coming. Tell me where.

The hour-long Uber ride cost…a lot…but I didn’t care. I didn’t even blink at the number. I had to stop myself from running through the halls to get to the room Marco had texted. And when I was outside the door, I paused, getting my breathing under control and preparing for what I might see. Marco hadn’t told me the extent of Julien’s injuries, only that it was serious.

As quietly as I could, I pushed open the door and stepped into the private room. Marco stood right away, tipping his chin to me. I clasped my hands together at my waist, squeezing my fingers tight.

“Hi,” I whispered.

The corner of his mouth hitched. “You don’t have to whisper.” He beckoned me closer. “Come in. Come talk to him.”

I finally let myself look at Julien as I drew near. One of his legs was casted and elevated in a sling. There were bandages around his head, a tube down his throat, and most of the right side of his face was covered in gauze. Very little of his face and arms were without bruising or scrapes. If I hadn’t known this was Julien, I wouldn’t have believed it.

“Oh,” I choked out. “Oh, Julien.”

At his bedside, I stroked the back of his hand as tears pricked my eyes.

“They’re keeping him asleep to try to heal his brain. There was a bleed and swelling, but it hasn’t even been forty-eight hours and they’re seeing improvement.”

I lifted my eyes to Marco. He was watching me closely. The last thing either of them needed was for me to fall apart, so I sucked it up and reminded myself I was here for Julien.

“Of course he’s improving.” I curled my fingers around Julien’s, wishing like hell he could squeeze me back. “He probably heard the nurses talking about the patient down the hall who took four days for his brain swelling to decrease and Julien decided to one-up that guy. So competitive.”

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