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“But...why did you tell me to come if you were going to show up anyway?”

Amir’s shadowed eyes danced over my face with something like amusement. “I don’t think I have to explain myself to you, Zadie. Do I?”

“You don’t have to do anything. We both know that.” I folded my arms over my chest. “I can make it back to my dorm on my own, you know.”

“Of course you can, but since you’re my property, I’m going to protect you. Little girls like you shouldn’t be out after dark on your own. You should know better.”

Oh yeah, anger was definitely taking over the heat between my legs. Amir being a condescending asshat cooled me right off.

Facing forward, I clamped my mouth shut. Something told me Amir wanted me to react, but I wouldn’t give it to him. I’d done what he’d told me to do, so I wasn’t giving him another drop of me.

He controlled our pace across campus, digging his fingers into the soft flesh of my hip. His silence was as loud as a shout. I wondered if mine sounded the same. There were a million words on the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed them down each time they came close to spilling over.

When my dorm was in sight, Amir was the one to break the silence. “Why were you sitting beside that kid?”

“He sat beside me. It wasn’t my choice.”

“I get you have a type, Zadie, but you need to move on. He’s not going to be your new boyfriend.”

I cringed at the thought of Deacon as my boyfriend. “That’s good. I don’t like anything about him.” My lip curled. “And he’snotmy type. I don’t tend to have a thing for idiotic frat boys who say nasty things to me and my friend and laugh at me every time I walk by them. No thank you.”

Amir rounded on me, coming to a stop in the middle of the path. His hand shot up to grip my jaw, tipping my head back to peer down at my face in the dark.

“Tell me what he said.” He got close enough for me to smell his warm spice. “Right now, Zadie. Don’t fuck with me. What did that kid say?”

I swallowed hard, barely breathing. “It happened before you owned me. I don’t owe you that.”

“Says who?” His thumb stroked the skin beneath my chin. His eyes pounded into me with a hard stare. “Everything, Zadie. All of you is mine.”

“For how long?” I whispered.

He blinked, and his mouth parted, but no sound came out. I’d stumped him, taking him by surprise with a question that really shouldn’t have been surprising.

“Hmmm...I don’t know. I think I might like owning you.” He dragged his nose along mine. “Then again, you might annoy me sooner than later.”

My stomach sank. This couldn’t go on forever, I knew that, but he was already ready to be rid of me? Or thinking about being ready? I should have been relieved, not twitching like a wounded bug with a broken wing.

“The rest of the semester.”

“What?” I breathed.

“I own you. You’re all mine until the end of the semester. Then I let you go.”

A perfect end date tous. If my stalker hadn’t crawled back into his hole by then, I probably wouldn’t be coming back to Savage U next semester anyway. Amir didn’t need to know that. He didn’t need to know any of it, so long as he kept me and watched over me.

“Does anything change from how it is now? I just cook and clean and do your bidding?”

His mouth curled in the corners, but it was too devious to be called a smile. “My bidding? I like that.” He lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know yet. What do you think should change? Do you want to add some duties to your list?”

“That’s up to you, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. It is. I’ve got you, don’t I?” The pad of his thumb traced the stubborn bump of my chin. “I'll think about it. For now, I want you to tell me all about the kid you were sitting beside tonight.”

He wasn’t going to let this go. My dorm was so close, but Amir’s iron grasp on me was unrelenting. I knew this was more about a point of pride for him and not because he actually cared for me. Someone had been toying withhistoy, and that wouldn’t stand.

I sucked in a breath. “Deacon. He’s in a frat, the same one as Theo, Helen’s boyfriend. We have one class together, and lately, he says hi to me when I walk in. All his frat brothers laugh. I guess they think it’s funny for him to even acknowledge the presence of a girl like me, so—”

Amir jerked me so hard, my forehead hit his chest. “What the fuck does that mean?” he growled.
