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“Elio and I have always been close. Even though we lived far away, we were always there for one another. He was like an older brother to me. When he first arrived here after they had to leave Sicily, I barely recognized him. He was messed up and had lost a bunch of weight, and it took him days to finally tell me what had happened, that he had to leave you behind.”

“He already shared with me why he had to leave.” I didn’t want another replay of the worst point in my life.

“But did you know he went back after you a short time later?”

“What are you talking about?” I had no idea.

“He didn’t last long before he snapped, packed a bag, and went to leave. But when he got to his car, there was a note on his windshield. It was a picture of you in Sicily with the words,you go after her and we’ll kill her before you can ever reach her.”

“What?” I set my drink down and changed my position to face him straight on. “I never knew that.”

“We never figured out who it was that sent the note, but Elio vowed then that he would never bring you into his life because you were already a target.”

“Wow.” I pushed my hair back when I thought about how he gave me up so I would be happy and free.

“I’ve never met a man who loves someone the way he does you, Sienna.”

I nodded, unsure what to say to that.

“Let’s just get through this terrible situation with Mariano and see where the world takes the two of you next.” He smiled warmly at me. “I’m looking forward to spending more time with you.”

“Me too. Thanks, Niccola.”

He tucked his hands in his pockets and started walking out of the small room. “Popsicles,” he chuckled, “if you want to annoy Mariano, he hates the sound of someone sucking on a popsicle.”

“Well, I’m glad it’s summer.” I grinned, thankful for the tip.

After a bit of mulling over Elio’s secret, I headed toward the kitchen to see where everyone was. Donte zipped by and muttered the wordstudy. I didn’t know if he actually meant that for me, but I found myself heading in that direction.

Pushing the door open, I spotted Elio by the window, deep in thought. I admired his relaxed look of unbuttoned dress shirt and rolled up sleeves, and judging by the way his hands kept going to his head, it was clear how he got his messy hair. It was times like this I saw the boy who saved me. I’d spent so much of my life questioning and wondering why that I forgot to just live. With a deep breath, I stepped inside the room.

“Did you really try to come back for me?” I whispered, and his head dropped forward.

“Niccola,” he hissed.

“Just answer me, Elio. Did you really change your mind and decide to come after me?”


My heart skipped a beat, and I let a little more of my armor flake away.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because it didn’t matter.”

“It matters to me.”

“I didn’t go through with it.” He shrugged and kept his back to me.

“Yes, but only because you got a warning not to, and that’s not the point. The point was youweregoing to come for me.”

“I should’ve.”

“I wish you had, too, Elio, but it means so much to me that you really wanted to. I thought I was just an afterthought for you, but knowing you were going to risk it all and come find me, is…” I trailed off when he whirled around, and in three strides he was in was in front of me. Using his broad chest, he backed me up to the wall.

“I answered your question, now answer mine.” His eyes pierced through me, and I felt like the air in the room had been sucked out. “Do you still love me? The way you used to?” I opened my mouth but slammed it shut. He shook his head, forbidding me to lie. “You know my secrets, now tell me yours.”

“Yes,” I whispered, and before I could think, his lips were on mine, devouring every last piece of me. I matched his intensity, not wanting to be anywhere but here. He leaned over and pushed the door closed, lifted me in the air, and carried me to the couch.
