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“No matter what,” he huffed as he pulled my shirt off, tossing it to the floor, “I’m never leaving you again.”

I pushed my hands on his chest to stop his kisses and stared up at the man who owned my heart since I was a child. “Promise me, Elio.”

For the first time since he received it, he slid off his family ring and placed it on my ring finger. “I promise.” He kissed my fingers.

I finally let go and gave in to him.

“One more thing,” I stopped him and pressed my hand to his chest, feeling his heartbeat, “if we’re going to do this, I think it’s time I learned about family obligations.”

“Really?” His face lit up, and I gave a nod.

It is time.

“First,” he leaned me back, “let me show you just how much I still love you.”

The next morning, after a hearty breakfast and a couple of pointed glances from Wyatt, who was no doubt wondering where my appetite came from, we waited for Vinni to find us.

“Ready?” He flipped his keys around his fingers.

“Let’s go.” Wyatt dragged me off the couch and outside to the car. “I know you’re scared, and frankly, so am I, but you’ll kick yourself in the butt later if you don’t go.”

“I know.” I tried to shake my nerves off as we settled in for the short car ride to the crossroads.

A few times, Vinni would answer some calls but spoke quietly so to not disturb us. I was becoming rather fond of him and Niccola. There was something strange about knowing that these men would kill with their bare hands without so much as a blink, but could still be so loving and kind. Wyatt always said he admired my ability to adapt to strange situations, and I had certainly proved that.

“Ready?” Wyatt touched my hand and brought me back to the present. I followed him out of the car, and we stood on the side of the road while the hot sun poured down on us.

As warm as it was, my hands were like ice, and my heart beat steadily against my breastbone. Was I really about to meet the woman who had given birth to me? Pain, heartbreak, and sheer excitement raced through me all at once. If I could, I would have wiggled right out of my skin. I was so amped up.

“Here we go.” Wyatt let out a long breath as two cars came toward us.

They parked, and three men stepped out and stood to one side while the driver opened one of the back doors.

“This is it.” He was just as nervous as I was.

A slim woman about my height, short hair to her shoulders, approached us. Her eyes were as deep blue as my own, and she was dressed like she was the one who just stepped out ofFab Magazineright down to her stunning heels. Her hand covered her mouth as she took another cautious step forward, mirroring my actions.

“Sienna?” she barely whispered, and I gave a small nod. “I’m Eleonora.” She held herself with such confidence that I tried to match her stance.

“What did you give me when I was a child?” I blurted, not wanting to feel anything until I knew.

Her lips stretched into a smile, and her eyes softened. “A teddy bear pendant.”

I burst into tears and pulled my necklace free from under my dress.

She reached out to touch me but stopped herself. “You still have it?”

I nodded and bit my lip as her gaze moved over my shoulder, and suddenly the mood swung in a different direction.

The sound of weapons being drawn and the glimmer of steel in the sunlight blinded me momentarily as Eleonora reached for me and quickly pulled me to her. Then she stepped in front of me with a gun in her hand.

“I know who you are!” she screamed at Elio, who seemed to arrive out of thin air. His gun was pointed at her as Vinni moved up next to him. “You wear the crow with the golden crown.” She nodded at his ring that I had slipped back on his finger that morning.

My heart beat against her as I fought to see and to make sense of what was happening.

“How did you find her?” she screamed while the gun stayed steady in her hand. As I tensed and tried to step around Eleanora, she spoke sharply to one of her men, and I felt a hand reach around my waist, drawing me to him.

“Orlando,” she commanded, “keep her safe.”

“Of course,” the man replied as his arm tightened around me.

“Let go of me,” I hissed, but he didn’t even seem to hear me. “Elio?” I whispered urgently, sending his attention over to me. His eyes moved down to the man’s hold on me.

“I will kill you first, if you don’t let her go.” Elio’s voice dripped with fury. “She’s not going anywhere with you!”

Eleonora’s men created a horseshoe around Vinni, Elio, and Wyatt. Wyatt’s face was white with shock, and his eyes darted around in terror.

“I beg to differ,” Oscar, the man holding me, said confidently.

Suddenly, Elenora took a hesitant step forward, and the gun wavered in her hand as I heard her whisper, “Francesco?”
