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“I’m literally on pins and needles here. Spill it.”

“Let’s just say I got to meet one of the devils, face to face.”

The line went quiet, and I had to check the screen to see if we were still connected.


“I’m here. I’m just processing that and trying not to pee myself. Which one?”

“Tieri Santoro, and yeah, try not to do that while standing three feet away from him.”

“That’s fucking terrifying and yet intriguing, and you have the chance to wrap all of that up into one magnificent story.”

“Little bit, yeah.”


“I handled it and did my job, but I hated Mariano for not seeing how terrifying and dangerous it was.”

“What about the other brother? Did either mention him?”

“No, but I did get his number.”

“Have you called it yet?”

“And say what?” I laughed and rubbed my suddenly cold hands. “’Hi there. I got your number from your brother,’who isn’t his brother, by the way,‘and wanted to do an interview.’ That would be the quickest phone call ever.”

“Yes. But, girl, think of the article.”

“Article.” I gripped the phone tightly. “Or my life.” I held the other hand in the air as I weighed my options. “Not sure here, Wyatt.”

“If Tieri gave you his brother’s number, it must mean it’s fine to call. I really think you should, and here’s the thing, you’re staying seconds away from Elio’s house and his parents. Most likely the safest place to be if you want to risk it.”

Oh, he has no idea…

“True.” He had a point, and I dwelled over it in silence as he did the same. I just wasn’t sure if I should tell Elio. It would be an easy bet that he wouldn’t let me if I did.

“You know, that ticket to New York you had from last winter is still valid for another few months. Just saying.”

I knew he was right. I did need a break, and I did have to use that ticket soon or it would expire. My work had, as usual, gotten in the way of the trip back then, and I never made it to his sister’s for Christmas. I would consider it.

“Just go for it and make the call and let me know how it goes. It’s not like you to hesitate on something like this. You’ll always wonder if the article could have been so much more if you’d done it.”

“All right.” I pulled the piece of paper from the book on the nightstand. “I’ll call you back.”

It was around ten that I heard a car door open and the sound of Elio’s voice. I was still debating whether to hit send on the number. I knew Wyatt was right. I never would have hesitated a year ago, but then, he didn’t know all the details of what was happening here either. I moved to the balcony and watched Elio. He was on the phone with someone. He leaned against the car beside Vinni, who had his own phone to his ear. Both looked relaxed, their voices level. I saw Elio hold up his hand as he talked to inspect his knuckles, then he flexed his fingers.

I don’t want to know.

With a deep breath, I called the number, not caring it was way past business hours. I guessed he didn’t have any, anyway.

As the call connected and started to ring. I saw Elio push off the car and pull out a different phone. The gold case caught the porch light.

I watched like a train wreck, not believing what I was seeing.

“Zazzero.” His voice made my blood run cold, and my heart froze on the spot. “Hello?” He held the phone close to look at the screen again.

I quicky hung up and pressed my back into the wall, keeping my hand over my mouth in fear I would out myself.
