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“They are.” He struggled with his frustration. We both knew there was no way out of this hell.

“So, you choose them over me?”

“No, I choose both of you.”

“There’s no choosing both.”

“Don’t make me choose, Elenora. I hate this situation more than anything, and I’d fight like hell to keep you. You know that. But if your parents made a deal with the Coppolas for you to marry their son, I’m not sure what I could possibly do about that. There are rules in this world, ones you can’t bend.”

“So, you’re giving up?”

“Good Lord!” He stood with his hands in his hair. “No! I’m just trying to figure out a plan here.”

“We run.”

“I can’t do that!”

I marched over to the window, folded my arms, and used my head to point to the door.

“You’re kicking me out?”

“You did that to yourself.”

“Elenora?” He went to grab my shoulders, but I stepped back. He’d shown me where his heart really was. With them.

He left, and I slammed the window and threw myself on my bed with tears streaming down my face.

“It’s for the best.” Mama was suddenly in the doorway. “You need to get away from Francesco and all the trouble that comes with him.” She reached over and locked the window. How did she know he was here? “Though you may not see it right now, the Coppolas can offer you a life he can’t.”

“And if I don’t want that life?” I tried to dry my cheeks.

“You will.”

“I don’t love him!”

“You will.”


She stood a little straighter and looked over her shoulder down the hallway. “You’re too young to know what love is. You will do this without any trouble, Elenora. Do you hear me?”

“If I don’t?”

“No, you will, my dear, or the family you love won’t be here tomorrow.” She gave me a look not to push any further and closed the door behind her.

“I don’t care about the price, just get me what I want.” I hung up and tossed the phone on the desk then leaned over the back of the leather chair to calm my anger. I looked out at the garden terrace filled with ivy and potted sunflowers. I thought how it once brought me such comfort to look at it. Now it cut me like glass every time. Since Sienna came back, I hadn’t needed my office in the city to escape and be alone.

But now, things were different, and we needed to keep a close eye on Mariano’s parents, especially since Mariano had vanished. I knew he was most likely off somewhere snorting coke with some woman he’d met. He was so damn irresponsible. The news that Sienna was a Coppola had changed things. We were now forced to conduct all our business outside our home away from curious ears, especially Mariano and his parents. It meant any wining and dining of our clients and old family friends had to be done here at the office, at least until things were figured out.

My phone buzzed against the hardwood, and I glanced down, feeling my mood shift even darker.

Nonna: We need to meet and discuss a few things.

I pressed my lips together and rubbed below my nose, taking a deep breath. We hadn’t spoken since that night she came to the house to share the news about Sienna’s origins.

I closed my eyes and remembered that night vividly.

My phone vibrated.
