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“I’ve been friends with Stefano for as long as I can remember, way before his father passed.” He swirled the liquid around his glass before taking another big sip. “He was always a hotheaded, egotistical womanizer who carried a mighty big chip on his shoulder. Everything increased when he became Don.”

“I hate that it was him who took over,” I blurted and shook my head. “Sorry, that was rude.”

“No, I understand what you’re saying. He certainly doesn’t fit the mold, but he was next in line, and Nonna Rosa had been grooming him since he was small. And since, well, you know…you weren’t here and—”

“And I’m a female.”

“Yeah.” He shrugged, and his face went pink. The liquor was taking its effect. “From what I know, Oscar could have taken the seat, but he had no interest, and he left when you all did. I don’t know if it was a fluke or even if the man is still alive, but I always wondered about him.” He chuckled softly.

“Wondered what?”

“I’ve always heard that Oscar loved your mother, and that when you and your mother disappeared, he followed.”

“I wouldn’t know.” I decided to keep myself out of that lie. I didn’t trust my mother not to show up here and blow this entire plan. I let my mind wander for a moment and remembered that Oscar was always only an arm’s reach away from mama. If he did love her, did they ever date? I hoped not, for Francesco’s sake.

“So, yeah, Stefano took over after his father passed, much to the uncles’ disapproval, and now you’re back, and Stefano is losing his mind.”

“I didn’t mean to cause the family any problems.”

“I actually think it’s for the best if Stefano steps down. He’s drunk on power and, well, other things, but he’s petrified of Mikey, so maybe now she’ll focus more on you and less on him.”

“Mikey?” That jolted me alert. “Is he here in the house?”

He closed his eyes and shook his head like he just screwed up.

“Please, never let anyone know you know that name.” When I stared at him, hoping he’d give me more information, he cursed. “I’m saying too much, and that’s not good.” He stood and took a moment like he was lightheaded, then took my hand and kissed the top of it gently. “I should go and let you get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Hey, Salvo.” He turned back around when he opened the door, and I stopped my urge to bombarded him with questions. “Thanks for staying.”

“Goodnight, Sienna.”

Just as he went to close the door, I saw Stefano with a suitcase.

Good. Leave.

I walked slowly beside my parents as we followed my brother’s casket down the aisle of the church. The service had been short and the gathering small. As I walked, it felt as though all eyes were on me, and I hugged Alessia to my chest, thankful she was blissfully asleep.

I was numb inside and out. I shivered as I felt the air from the open door. I knew Nonna Rosa thought I was suffering from postpartum since the baby’s birth, but I knew it was a broken heart.

As the graveside service came to an end, I found it hard to pull myself away. “It’s time to leave.” Mama’s harsh tone jolted me from my thoughts. “You’ve had your time, and Ms. Rosa is looking to leave.”

“She can wait.”

“Elenora,” she hissed, turning sideways to hide her words from those around us, “watch your tone with me or I’ll—”

“What? What will you do, Mama? Sell me off to someone else?” I turned away, not wanting to see her face.

“How dare you?” she cried.

“How dare I?” I shook my head. “I did what you asked. I left everything I knew, gave up my own dreams, all to pay off your and Papa’s mistakes. Look what it’s cost me!”

“Cost you!” She yanked on my arm to turn me toward her. She glanced down at Alessia and lowered her own voice in case she woke her. “You were the one who brought him to that house. You were the one who exposed him again to that wicked woman who broke his heart, and then to find out she’s dating Piero’s brother! She probably made a call to him, and that’s who took away my sweet boy.” She started to cry, and I wanted to scream.

“Are you saying this was my fault?”

“No!” She sobbed, but her words had cut deep. “I’m just saying look at who you used to date. Francesco is one of them. Your actions have consequences, Elenora. The Capris are evil people.” She dabbed her swollen eyes and clutched her purse. “You let the Capris get close, and…and I just wished you could have seen that they are monsters before it was too late.”
