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“It’s time to go.” Papa looked drained as he took Mama by the shoulders and turned her away from me. “Please, Elenora, I need to get your mother home.”

I turned away, hating that somehow my brother’s death landed on me. Once they left, I looked toward the parking lot and caught sight of Theo, and my heart skipped a beat.

Theo had an arm wrapped around Noemi and was looking down at her with such love that it made my blood boil. I couldn’t even have this one damn day without my husband fondling this woman. I watched as his other hand slid over her belly. I had to laugh at the absurdity of it all because her husband, Bosco Capri, would murder both of them for me if he could see her like this with Theo right now. Her being present at my brother’s funeral was just so wrong in so many ways.

“Elenora,” Nonna Rosa’s voice was so loud Alessia jumped in my arms, “it’s time to go.”

I tuned her out and stood at the end of the fresh grave and looked down at my brother’s coffin. I said a silent goodbye and tossed him the flower I’d taken from the church and allowed myself a few minutes to remember him, then just like that, my beloved brother was gone, and I was left with a baby, a hateful husband, and two families who had turned their backs on me.

“I can stay a bit longer,” the minister said gently behind me. “It’s really no trouble.”

I wondered if he was only being kind because of who we were, but then shook myself and took comfort that he would do that for me.

“No,” Theo said harshly as he appeared at my side, “we’re finished here. Come, Elenora.”

“I’m not a pet, Theo. I’m a sister grieving the loss of her little brother. “Why don’t you take your girlfriend home before her baby daddy sees what’s really happening here.”

“Need I remind you of the arrangement?” Theo hissed down at me, and it took everything inside me not to kick him square between the legs. He was a cruel bastard, and the longer I lived as his so-called wife, the more I saw him for who he really was.

“I really don’t care. The only person I care about is now ashes below my feet.”

I turned away, but he grabbed my arm and jerked me backward so hard it caused Alessia’s head to bump my shoulder. Her lip went out, and she started to cry. The Minister’s face pinched and turned white, but he wisely turned and walked away.

“Feel free to join him.” His grip tightened, and his expression told me not to push any further. “Now, shut that baby up or I will.” He let go, sending me back a couple of steps.

As I watched him head up the walk toward Noemi, I knew he’d meant every word of what he’d just threatened.

“Are you all right?” Oscar reached out for Alessia and rubbed her back affectionately as he held her to his shoulder.

“No,” I sniffed as we walked together toward the car. “Do you think you could help me with something?”

“Of course.”

“It’s not a small request.” I shot him a look.

“Are you sure you can do this, Vinni?” I admired my suit in the mirrored walls of the elevator and adjusted my tie to sit just right.

We had arrived in Vegas late the night before and had spent the day going over the plan for the day. It would be risky, but when was it not when it came to our business? My two trusted soldiers, Harris and Gain, accompanied Vinni, Niccola, and me, while three more waited with the car. The last time I was in Vegas, we’d had a run-in with a few of Jacob Raine’s men, and I hoped, now that he was dead, we wouldn’t have any problems.

“I think I left my stomach down there.” Vinni turned his back to the window wall behind us.

None of us had a problem with heights, but a few years back, Vinni had been trapped in an elevator just like this one for hours. Since then, he got a little squirrelly when the shiny doors closed for more than a few minutes.

“Finally,” he growled as the box stopped at our floor.

The doors opened, and Vinni pushed his way out first, followed by the soldiers. We moved in sync down the long gray hallway. I nodded at Vinni to branch off while the rest of us kept pace.

“Mr. Capri,” Bronson Cooper, the son of Justin Cooper, stepped out and greeted us at the door to his office, “how was your trip?”

“Smooth, thank you,” I said in English and waved off my soldiers. I knew they would find a strategic place to wait until we finished our meeting.

“Gentlemen.” He directed us toward a conference room. Niccola joined me as we stepped through the doors. I immediately took a seat near the head of the long, oval table with my back to the wall, facing the door. Niccola always liked to be closer to the door and sat on the opposite side.

“Niccola,” Bronson addressed him and nodded a greeting as he entered behind us. “Can I get you two anything?” He motioned to his assistant, but I raised a hand to indicate we didn’t need anything.

“No need.” I pulled out a pen and flipped open my folder, showing him I was ready for business.

“I admire you, Elio. You don’t waste people’s time and get straight to the point.” I nodded my thank you for the compliment. “When you said you were interested in the offer we sent, I was pleasantly surprised. I know our grandfathers have done business in the past, and I’m hoping today we can do the same.”
