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“Not wise,” he warned.

“I demand to know what is going on right now!”

“Nonna,” I moved into the room and stood behind Sienna and rested a hand on her shoulder, “I’d like you to meet my fiancée.”

Nonna’s face fell and drained of color as she placed a hand on her chest.

“She’s got the blood of a Coppola!” she snapped. “You dare mix our sacred bloodline with that filth!”

“Be careful what you say, Mrs. Greta.” Sienna’s voice was strong and crisp.

“Don’t you dare speak to me in such an informal way! Who do you think you are?”

Sienna leaned forward, and I saw Vinni’s smirk grow wide.

“Why, Mrs. Greta, didn’t you hear? I’ve been appointed the new Coppola Donna.”

If there was ever a moment in time that I’d wished I could have recorded to watch over and over, it would have been then. Nonna’s head shot back like she had been slapped by Rosa Coppola herself. She reached out for the wall and let out a wail that could only be described as utter despair. Abramo wrapped his arms around her shoulders to help keep her upright.

“How could you do this to me, Elio? My own grandson betraying me for some long-legged Coppola witch!”

“You will not speak to my future wife like that,” I boomed across the room, making her jump and yelp at the same time. “Times are changing, Nonna, and with that change will come happiness to all who join us.” I moved around Sienna and tucked my hands in my pockets. “You can choose to be a part of this—”

“I would rather spit on the cross.”

“Or I can drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you with a train ticket to Rome in your hand. We’ll see how you fend for yourself.”

The skin around her eyes tightened in shock at how I was speaking to her, and she saw I knew the truth of what she had done to Sienna.

“You’re tossing away everything I’ve worked for.” Her voice didn’t match the glare of hate she directed toward Sienna. “All I taught you was for nothing.”

“No, Nonna, the only difference is I’ll now rule all of Italy, with the woman I love by my side.” I reached back for Sienna’s hand to have her stand next to me. “Vinni, escort Nonna and Abramo back to the party.” I moved my attention back to Nonna. “Where both of you will embrace our marriage and swallow anything negative you feel toward our decision, because itisour decision.” I kept my stare hard on her and dared her to step out of line. “Now, we have some news to share with everyone else.”

I waited for Vinni to follow while Wyatt stood motionless in the hallway.

“Take a breath.” I patted his shoulder. “It’ll be okay.”

He reached out and took her arm, stopping her. “You…you’re the Don of Coppola?”

“It’s the Donna, but yes, I am.” She smiled sympathetically at her best friend. “I promise you we’ll have drinks later and I’ll fill you in on everything.”

“I better be in your wedding!”

“You got over that quick.”

“I adapt to great changes.” He laughed, shaking the nerves from his hands. “This is something else.” He shook his head.

I walked Sienna to the edge of the balcony where she waited for my cue. I stood in front of a microphone and looked down at everyone. The castle was much too big for all to hear without a little help.

The music stopped, and the spotlight found me.

“Good evening, everyone.” I waved, and the crowd give a little cheer. They were thirsty for the news. “I come tonight with big news. My father, Piero Capri, has appointed me the new Don of our family.” The crowd erupted into a deafening cry of excitement. I gave them a moment then raised a hand to quiet them then looked over at Sienna as she ran her hands down her dress and lifted her chin. “Now for the fun part.” I laughed, buying a moment to let them amp up again. “As most of you know, the Coppola syndicate has recently fallen on bad times. Their home has been destroyed, and three of their elders were shot and killed. Most must wonder what that will mean. I have a secret to share with all of you. Before Rosa Coppola disappeared into the wind, she appointed her estranged granddaughter to be the first ever Donna to rule a syndicate. And, my friends, that woman just so happens to be my fiancée.” I held out my hand to Sienna, and she walked toward me and linked her fingers with mine.

The crowd grew quiet as they digested the incredible news, then to my shock, Sienna stepped up to the microphone.

“Good evening, everyone. I understand all of this must come as a shock to all of you, but I want you to understand something very important. I met the Capri family when I was a young girl. I was an orphan who was raised on their land and by their rules. Blood or not, my loyalty is with all of you. Elio and I will rule this land as one powerful empire. This has and will always be the Capri syndicate. Which means,” she covered my hand with hers, “we’ll be merging the syndicates under the Capri name. We will rule Italy together as one.”

“I stand with both of you.” Our local minister lifted his water glass and gave a respectful nod toward us. “To the new Don and Donna of Italy!”
