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That did the trick. The crowd went wild, but I held up my hand for one last announcement.

“I appreciate the loyalty, I truly do, but there is one more thing I’d like to address. It has come to my attention that there are some out there who think Sienna is also known as Mikey.” I kept my story short. I knew whoever was watching the broadcast would know what I meant and would fill in the blanks. “I stand here before you and in front of God and say that she is not this person. To the business owners who have sent hit men to find Sienna, call off your dogs.” I reached back and took the file from Vinni, holding it high. I darkened my expression to drive my point home. “If you want to come after someone, you come after me.” I paused as Sienna gasped. “But know this, when you do, I’ll show you proof that the person responsible for the theft of your money is actually Rosa Coppola. She is the Mikey you’re looking for.” The shock and awe from the people below told me I’d been heard. Now, they just needed to get the word out.

“Now, my friends,” I smiled widely, “we have a lot to celebrate!”

I pointed to the band, and the music started back up without hesitation. I looked down at Sienna and saw her free hand was shaking. I knew that speaking out the way she had took a lot of nerve. She was amazing.

“You just put yourself in the line of fire.”

“Let them come at me.” I stuck out my elbow, and she linked her arm with mine, and we made our way to the top of the grand staircase. The crowd turned and looked up at us. Their faces mirrored our own excitement and told me they were in awe of the whole situation. After all, we had not only announced that I was now Don of the Capri syndicate but told them that their powerful Don was now also engaged. Add all that to the shock of just exactly who my fiancée was, and it would just be sinking in as to what a powerful force we were going to be. I also congratulated myself on breaking the mold on mafia tradition. I had paved the road for our children to have the choice to marry because of their heart and not because someone told them they had to. If my parents had taught me anything about our world, I knew a syndicate run by a powerful couple would be a successful one.

The old original torches on the castle walls flickered warmly as I looked over the room below, and I leaned over to whisper to Sienna.

“Ready, mybella? Your country awaits you.”

Her eyes sparkled as she took the energy I offered and gave me a nod. I was so proud of her; it constantly amazed me just how incredibly strong she was.

“Now I know how Laney Boggs felt,” Wyatt cooed behind us, bringing an unladylike snort from Sienna. I brushed off his weird comment.

We took the stairs and slowly descended together with our heads held high.

Elio was amazing as he worked the room, shaking hands, smiling, and laughing. When women flocked toward him, he’d pull me forward and introduce me, then tell them something about me they could relate to. I fell in step with him and did my best to memorize faces with a smile and an interested word. One moment I’d be shaking hands with someone, and at the same time I’d be answering someone else’s question. Faces blurred and names went in and out, but I kept up, not once showing my growing fatigue. When men gathered about me, Elio would pull me in a little closer as he continued to chat. I wondered if he even realized he was doing it. Everyone seemed kind and welcoming and full of congratulations. Now and then, someone would pry a little too hard as they asked questions about my past, and Elio would step in and say that was for another time and change the subject. I was pleased, as I didn’t want my past to be the topic for tomorrow’s gossip. I wanted it to be about Elio and me and our future.

“I have to meet the woman who stole this guy right out from under me.” A tall, blonde woman towered over me, and as she did, her gaze swung to Elio. He looked less than amused by our new guest. “Lara,” she said as she stuck her hand out. All the while she kept her gaze on Elio.

“Lara,” Elio pushed her hand away, so we didn’t connect, “how is the family?”

“I’m not here to talk about my family.”

“Well, then, how lucky are we?” He leaned over and kissed my head. “I would like you to meet my fiancée, Sienna.”

Finally, she ripped her attention away from him and forced a gummy smile down at me.

“Elio’s never spoken of you before, so you can understand why this would be such a surprise to me.” She laughed falsely as her straight, fair hair shone in the light. She was very pretty; it was just a shame that her personality didn’t match her exterior.

“For someone as attractive as you, Lara, you really don’t wear jealously very well.” Elio tried to hide his chuckle, but her glare told me she’d caught it. “I would like to get to know you,” I smiled at her, “but perhaps right now isn’t the time.” I looked up at Elio. “Shall we?”

“You handled that well.” He pulled my hand up to his lips.

“You’re a heartbreaker, Elio. It’s going to be my biggest challenge.”

“Says the woman I can’t keep my hands off of.” His hand slipped down and cupped my butt and discretely caressed it. “Says the woman I can’t stop kissing.” His fingers lifted my chin, and he skimmed my lips with his. I instantly fell under his spell then blinked as people around us started to chuckle.

“We should keep moving.”

“Not yet.” He kissed me again, a little longer this time, and I didn’t care if it was to set a precedent that we loved one another and wouldn’t hide it or to draw the line with the women in the crowd to stay away. Either way, I was pleased and, despite those watching or perhaps because of them, I tossed my arms around his neck when he dipped me.

“You two certainly are making a statement.” Piero came up behind Elio. “Would you join me in a dance, Sienna?” He offered me a hand, and I smiled and walked with him to the dance floor. He nodded at the band, and they began to play a smooth waltz.

I was pleased when Andrea pulled Francesco onto the floor to join us, so we weren’t in the dance alone.

“I’m so proud of you tonight.” Piero smiled down at me. “The way you handled yourself in front of everyone was impressive.”

“Thank you.” I stiffened in his arms, and he followed my gaze to Nonna Greta as she moved to the side of the dance floor. She looked like an angry cat on the prowl. “Piero?” I lowered my voice just as the song ended and the applause drowned me out.

“Not to worry about my mother,caro. I’ll be speaking to her, and we have plenty of soldiers watching her, too.” He kissed my hand. “Thank you for the dance.” He gave me a slight bow and inclined his head. Then a waiter came over and offered me a glass of something bubbly. “Excuse me.”

Piero whisked away, and I felt Elio at my side.
