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“Let me deal with him.” I licked my lips, annoyed at his tone. Who did he think he was?

“I don’t think that’s how this will work.”

“Just tell him that I have some video he will be very interested in. It’s of his aunt being seen different times at the Coppola mansion. Tell him it’s just a sample of how helpful I can be. I could be very useful to his family.” She looked at me, and I nodded. If we could get some evidence of Noemi being at the Coppolas’ home, that could work in our favor.

“Let me speak with him, and I’ll get back to you.”

“I’ll be waiting. I really want a job.”

She hung up and shook her head. “He really has some nerve, doesn’t he?”

“Salvo’s an opportunist. He’ll do whatever he can to survive, including worming his way into the family, and between us.”

“I’d like to see him try.” She glanced over her shoulder and wiggled her bottom at me.

“Me too.” I followed her and enjoyed the view of her sleek dress, knowing there was nothing underneath.

“Where’s Vinni?” She eyed Gain as he opened the door for her.

“At the Beach House,” I said quietly as we made our way over, “more or less to keep an eye on Noemi without him even realizing it.”

“Oh, okay.” She smiled at Gain, but I knew she wished it was Vinni. So did I, but Noemi needed to be watched, and I didn’t trust Nonna Greta’s preoccupation with Sienna. “Have you spoken to Wyatt today?” She checked her phone, and I saw the last text message she’d sent had no response.

“No, but Vinni said something about how he needed to go into town to meet someone. Something about an interview.”

“How do you know more about what my best friend is up to than I do?”

“That’s because your best friend has an eye for my cousin, and I know where Vinni is at every moment.”

“Stalker much?” She smirked, and I raised an eyebrow at her comment. “Well, could you ask Vinni to ask Wyatt to text me back.”

“I’ll send your message along.” I kissed our entwined hands and settled in for the drive to the restaurant.

When we pulled up to the entrance of La Leggenda dei Frati we were greeted by the owner and escorted to our table out back. Normally, I’d insist we have the entire outside area to ourselves, but I knew Sienna liked having others around, so I requested only three out of the seven tables be used.

“Here we are, sir.” The waiter poured the wine I had ordered earlier and waited for us to be seated. Our table was raised slightly higher than the others around us, so we had the advantage of the view of the town below. This was the same place my papa had taken my mama on their first date after they moved to Florence years ago. It was special, and I hoped it would be for us, too.

We ordered, and once we were alone, I felt Sienna relax and settle in.

“This place is simply stunning.” She looked around with admiration while I took a moment to admire her.

“You’re simply stunning.”

She smiled at me and licked the taste of wine from her lips, as she let her gaze slowly drift down over my suit. The pure heat in her expression made me shift to tame my urge to ravage her right there and then. My eyes burned into hers, desire totally unveiled.

“I know that look, Elio, and if you want to keep this evening on track, you better stop because a girl can only take so much.” She chuckled. “I’m changing the topic. When are you going to share more details about this tour we’re supposed to be going on?”

“Ah, yes, the tour. Well, now that we’ve announced that we’re the new Don and Donna, it would be customary to show respect to the masses. We need to be seen together as a united front. Many important people need to meet you and know that I am the boss, so to speak.”

“We,” she corrected, and I smiled my apology.

“Yes, mybella, we.” She set her chin at that, so I went on. “The tour will take us through a sweep of the different syndicate holdings. It’s tradition that a new Don does this, plus it’s my opportunity to show you off and to let them see you for who you are, and that you’re willing to end the Coppola-Capri feud. It’s very important to show that we are joining forces. And that you,” I took her hand and held it tight to drive my point home, “are untouchable.”

“A tour of Italy with great food, wine, and parties?” She sighed playfully. “I think I can handle that.”

“I figured as much.”

Dinner was served, and we ate, reminiscing about old times. It was nice to see that flicker of hurt that used to flinch across her face occasionally didn’t show itself anymore.

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