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“Her son was adorable.”

“She had a boy with her?”

“Yes, sweet little cheeks, too. I believe she said his name was Hector.”

The loud ring of my phone jolted me out of my memory and nearly out my skin. I glanced at the ID and shot straight to my feet. I must have been half asleep.

“I told you I needed time!”

“And you promised me they’d be at the Villa del Cardinale!” Hector yelled angrily. I felt like the wind had just been knocked out of me.

“That was the plan. I’m not there, so I don’t know what’s going on. Did you ask Vinni or Niccola?”

“No! Because that was your thing to handle. The deal’s off, Noemi. I’m tired of your games!”

The call disconnected, and I stood there in the kitchen feeling as though the floor was about to open up and swallow me whole. I reached out for the counter and let out an Earth-shattering scream.

“This is where you grew up?” Wyatt shifted to see out the window better. “Suddenly, everything all makes sense now.”

“See over there,” Andrea pointed past his nose, “that takes you to the path that leads to our old house.” She moved her finger. “It also leads to the pond where Sienna and Elio used to meet.” She gave my arm a warm little pat, but I couldn’t take my eyes from the decrepit house where I’d once suffered so much physical and emotional pain.

“Ah, yes, the famous pond. I’d like to say something about how romantic that is, but I think I caught something just from being in this driveway,” he joked darkly and followed my gaze, while I pressed my knees together to stop the shakes. Andrea answered a call and spoke quietly as Wyatt reached over and gave my shoulder a loving squeeze. “I’m really proud of you for having the strength to come back here and do this, Sienna.”

I nodded and tried to smile. I knew he knew about all the horrors of this place and understood the depth of my emotion.

“Are you sure?” Francesco asked me for the hundredth time. I knew he was worried, but this was something I needed to do.

“Try to understand, Francesco. These kids are just living paychecks.” I swallowed down the emotion that crept up my throat. “Nothing but slaves, worked to the bone. There’s not a birthday or a Christmas recognized for any of them, ever. No child should live like that.” I dashed a tear away. I wasn’t sad for me; I was sad for those kids. It wasn’t long ago that I was one of them, hopeless, hungry, and exhausted.

I looked once more at the children who sat in various spots outside the decrepit old Di Vaio house. I knew the drill. You stayed outside as much as possible to keep out of the way, but you were too exhausted to even think of play. You had to stay within the borders of the yard, and if you strayed, you were granted quite the beating. Andrew and Julie Di Vaio worked the system and made a lot of money “fostering” kids. A prison camp would have been an improvement. At least they’d get a hot meal every day.

“Sienna, I’m so incredibly sorry to know you lived this way. I honestly had no idea.” Francesco’s voice carried a deep tremor of sorrow. It reached me on such a personal level I felt I had to console him.

“Don’t be sad. You couldn’t have known. Besides,” I shrugged; the past was the past, “it only made me stronger.”

“They’re on the way.” Andrea tucked away her phone as she spoke. “I let them know the urgency of the situation and who I was. I don’t think they’ll be long.” She reached forward to squeeze my shoulder.

We settled in to wait in the car across from the house. I thought back to our visit at the dockyard earlier in the day, where I discovered the Di Vaios were still very much in control of things. Though Elio and Francesco had stripped them of their positions there years ago, somehow, some way, they’d been quietly reinstated. I tucked that knowledge away. I’d make sure Elio looked into just how that could have happened.

A short time later, the four of us watched as several cars arrived. The police, along with a representative of the foster care agency, stormed onto the property. Children scattered then gathered in groups to watch. Andrea’s conversation with the powers that be obviously had the desired effect. She had told them everything about the neglect and illegal operations that happened at that house. She’d also shared the location of Andrew’s second house where he always kept teenage girls. I had no doubt he was still up to his neck in that operation.

“They found the stash.” Francesco chuckled as one officer knocked over some rain barrels in the intense search that followed. The cocaine baggies were tagged and put in one of the patrol cars. “Compliments of Mariano.” He laughed.

“How much did you plant?” I asked, not taking my eyes off what was going on outside the car window. The whole time, I kept thinking if only I’d come back years ago, I might have saved so many more kids.

“Enough to make them do a careful search, but the scales and other tools I tossed in the field should ensure a lifetime behind bars.”

“It’s like we’re part of a reality TV show,” Wyatt breathed.

I bit my lip while the kids were rounded up and loaded into a van then whisked away. I knew they’d be looked after now. I only hoped they’d be given a second chance at a better life. I couldn’t imagine it would be any worse than this place.

Once Andrew and Julie were arrested and taken back inside for some questioning, Francesco revved the car and we pulled into the driveway.

“All right, kid, you’re up.”

I opened the door, stepped out, and ran my hands down my skirt to smooth it for something to do then took a deep breath.

Be strong. This is the moment you’ve waited a lifetime for.

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