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The female officer approached and addressed us. She nodded to Andrea and said she was the one she had spoken to earlier. She looked over at me and gave a polite nod, and Andrea introduced me. When I told her what I wanted, she walked with me to the house and stood aside while I entered. I was glad she followed me, as the memories of this place had my stomach heaving. I forced myself to take a disinterested tone as I spoke.

“Do you recognize me?” I directed my words at Andrew, who looked me up and down then spat at my feet from the couch where he sat. His face was old and weathered. He looked twice his age, but alcohol and drugs would do that to a person.

“Should I?” he grunted, and Julie leaned forward to get a good look at me.

“No!” she gasped, and I saw half her teeth were missing. Yikes, she must have moved up to some harder drugs for that to happen. Now I knew why Francesco had chosen to plant cocaine for the officers to find. “It’s that girl who ran away. Our obligation. Sienna or something, isn’t it? I remember that necklace.” She nodded toward my pendants.

The officer who was standing near me answered her radio and stepped a few feet away. I smiled at the opportunity I’d been given.

“You little bitch.” Andrew glared at me. “You cost me some clients and—”

“A son?” I couldn’t help myself and relished their reactions of pure shock. “If it counts, Renzo felt all kinds of pain when I beat him to death with a pipe and left his body in an alley.”

“You’re a sick girl!” Julie tried to wiggle over to me, and I laughed at the comedy of how stupid she looked in handcuffs. “I’m going to kill you!”

“No, actually, you aren’t, because I just made sure you both are going to prison for a very long time. I’ll guess neither of you will last long, but at least I’ll know you’re getting what you deserve.”

“You did this?” Andrew hissed. “You bitch. Who the hell do you think you are?”

“Ah,” I smirked, “that’s a really good question. I’m very happy to answer that for you, Andrew. I happen to be Donna to the Coppola syndicate and am about to marry the new Don of the Capri syndicate, and your worst nightmare.” I grinned happily at them. “I can promise you two monsters this…” I bent down and spoke slowly, so they didn’t miss a word. “I control everything in this country, including the prisons, so if you think you’re in for a vacation, think again.” I stood and slammed the front door on their stunned faces.

Gosh, that felt amazing. Maybe even better than Mariano’s death.

On my way back to the car, I felt all the stress of my childhood lift from my shoulders, and I knew I could finally let this go and start living again. With each step, I became lighter and felt more in control.Yes, that was just what needed to happen.

“You look happy.” Andrea smiled at me as I got in the car.

“Happy doesn’t even begin to describe this feeling.” Wyatt put his arm around me and hugged me tight but didn’t speak.

“Good.” Francesco nodded and started down the driveway.

When we arrived back at the house, the sun had just set, and the crickets were starting their evening warm-up.

“Apparently, the dinner didn’t go as well as we’d hoped,” Andrea explained as we unfolded from the vehicle. “I’m not sure what they were up to just now, but…” She stopped me as Vinni came out and handed her a bag. “I was hoping you’d join me on a little walk.”

“Of course.” She took my arm and directed me toward a massive rose garden that opened into a grassy field. Once we were a way from the house, she stopped then closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Oh,mio, I just love the smell of roses and sweet grass.”

“I love the sound the grass makes when the wind travels through it,” I added, joining her enjoyment of the sights and sounds around us.

“Life can be so simple at times, while other times it confuses us and makes it almost impossible to navigate.” She smiled warmly at me. “Sienna, I want you to know that a while ago, Elio shared one of your journals with me.” She shifted like she wasn’t sure if I would be upset by her reading them. “I would never presume to take the place of your mama, but I wanted to do something for you. Something you should have had when you were younger.”

“Okay.” I tilted my head and waited.

“You had so many questions, but no one to answer them.” She reached in the bag and pulled out a heavy package wrapped in brown butcher paper and tied with string. She placed it in my hands. “I know it’s too late, but if I’d been your mother, these would be my answers. Only I would have given you them when you asked.”

I shook my head as emotions prickled. Carefully, I undid the bow and ripped the corner open then lowered to the ground as I recognized my journals. She joined me and made herself comfortable, not saying anything. I opened the first cover and flipped immediately to the middle of the journal. I knew where my questions were, and I skimmed through my childhood words.

Questions for Mom:

Is it strange that when he’s near me, I feel warm and my head gets foggy?

Instead of a blank space after the question, Andrea had written an answer in her familiar small, neat script.

No, it’s not strange, my dear Sienna. The warmth is because he makes you feel good and safe inside, and the foggy head is because you’re attracted to how he looks and smells. This is all completely normal to have these feelings toward a boy. Especially a special boy.

I smiled at her answer as a tear raced down my cheek. I skipped down to the last one, the one answer I’d wanted the most.
