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“Your secrecy is impressive.” Trigger ran a hand through his Mohawk as a joint dangled from his mouth.

“Given the events of the last year, it no longer feels that way.”

“Shit happens.” He took a deep pull, then suddenly pulled the joint away from his lips. “Shit, man, you said your old lady is pregnant?” He held up his joint and seemed to swallow the smoke.

“It’s okay. The basement has its own filtration system,” I assured him, or I would have asked him to put it out earlier. “It also acts as a bunker,” I added with a grin.

“Still,” he coughed then snuffed out the tip and went back to stretching, “I wouldn’t want to risk it.”

“I was glad you were still here. How are things going with your army buddies? Brick mentioned something about one of them being in Vegas.”

“I can’t really say.” He shook his head. “Some shit’s going down, and I don’t think it’s good.”

“Sorry to hear that.” I stretched my fingers and thought that as much as Trigger gave off the vibe of someone who didn’t give a damn, he really cared about the people close to him. It just took time to gain his trust enough to see what was inside. It was why his people were so loyal.

“Guess they have a lot of rules and shit getting broken, or at least the boundaries are being pushed, so, yeah, that kind of stuff doesn’t go over well with Cole.” He shrugged. “You get a chance to call Collins?”

“I left a message.” I checked the time on my phone to make sure no one needed me before we started. “I haven’t heard back yet, but if I don’t hear from him, I’ll call a buddy of his. Take a different route.”


“Where’s Tess?” I decided to change the topic.

“We’re headin’ out tomorrow. Rail’s probably ready for the grave by now from chasin’ Fin. You remember my tattoo artist, Mud?” I nodded and stepped into the ring. “He’s got a buddy here, and Tess wanted to get her sleeve tweaked before we go. Special memory of the trip, she said.”

“You really did find your match.” I chuckled, happy we’d both found something positive in our lives.

“Yeah.” He held up his hands and started to practice throwing punches. “It helps she thinks the same way and doesn’t want any kids.” He eyed me, and I knew it wasn’t merely his opinion. Trigger had never wanted to reproduce in fear he’d screw them up. “Fin and Denton are enough for both of us.”

“How are they handling you being here?”

“Denton’s fine, he just misses us practicing in the ring. He’s gonna be a fighter.”

“Oh, yeah?” I put my hands up and we started to spar.

“Yeah, he’s a little shit, so he’ll be fine. An’ he’s got a girl, so he’s keeping busy.” I smirked at that and ducked as his fist blew by my ear. “Fin is more attached to Tess. He calls her all the time.” He slammed my shoulder, and I jabbed his ribs. “Been a few Stripe Backs sniffin’ around. They got a new pres, and they’re slowly tryin’ to build back up what we tore down.” He chuckled darkly, and I knew he would let them encroach until he was ready to make his move. “That name you mention—” His last word was cut short by my fist hitting his jaw. I blocked his kick and spun around, only to get a jab in the back.

“Yes, he goes by Tieri, but his real name is Tullio Banchi. He was last seen at our announcement party. He has some connections in the States.”

“And if I find him?”

“Let me be the one to rip his heart out.”

Trigger smiled, understanding the need to be the one to end someone’s life.

We sparred for another hour, then Tess called, wanting to meet him for a late dinner. I felt better as I leaned over the ropes to take a breather. My muscle screamed for a break.

Francesco appeared. “You look worn out. I can’t remember the last time you two were in a ring together.”

“We had a good session. I needed it.”

“I’m sure you did.” He sat down on the bench and crossed his arms.

I snagged my water from the corner and smiled to myself at the memory of the last time I was in that chair and who was between my legs. She really was incredible.

“You don’t have to ask for it.” I downed my water. I knew by now he’d be itching for permission to take out Oscar.

“How does Sienna feel on the matter?”
