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Chapter Twenty


I roll over when I hear a knock at the bedroom door. Keith stands there with his hands tucked in his pockets.

“Hi, Keith.” I glance at the time. It’s four in the afternoon. I’ve been hibernating in my room all day. I canceled my appointments with Dr. Roberts until Cole comes back. I’m not in the mood to talk about my feelings. I just want to feel the way I feel. I know this has everyone concerned, but for once, I’m being selfish and not caring.

“May I come in?”

“Of course.” I move to sit up against the headboard as he sits on the side of my bed.

“This,” he takes my ultrasound picture off my bedside table, “deserves to be in something nice.” He pulls out a small silver frame with a swirly design and slips the picture inside. He sets it back down, angling it toward me. “There.” He smiles.

My lip quivers and tears leak out and drip down my cheeks. I lean forward and give him a hug. “Thank you, Keith, for so much.” When I pull away, I see his eyes are glossy, and we both pretend not to notice.

“Right, well, come on downstairs. Daniel and Sue are here with luggage, so I’m assuming they’re staying for a while.”

Smiling at him and loving that idea, I agree and hop off the bed.

Abigail watches me all dinner long. I’m not eating, but it isn’t because of the baby. I had caught a news clip about my father while I was getting out of the shower. The reporter asked if there was anything new about my disappearance, and my father said no, but he seemed different. I wonder what is going on there. I wonder if he paid the ransom and then realized he wasn’t getting me back. Merely seeing his face brought all sorts of emotions to the surface.

“Savannah?” Sue’s voice brings me back to the here and now.

I realize everyone has left the table.

She and Daniel are both standing and watching me. “Is everything all right?”

“Yes.” I nod then look down at my barely touched plate. “Sorry, I’m just tired.”

Daniel looks at Sue, and they both walk me into the living room and sit me on the couch. Sue makes me a cup of chamomile tea while Daniel hands me a light green gift bag.

“What’s this?” I ask, setting it between my feet.

“Something for you now, and something for the little one later.”

“Oh!” I pull out the white tissue paper and reach in. I feel the softest little nose, and a smile breaks out. I nearly cry when I sit the teddy bear on my lap. He’s brown, with black eyes and a black nose. He has an Army hat with Army boots and a little jacket with Logan Jr. sewn in green thread, making my heart burst. “It’s perfect, thank you,” I whisper, rubbing its little ear.

Daniel leans forward and kisses my head. “No, Savannah, thank you.” He smiles, sitting back down as Sue returns with a tray full of fruit and cheese, along with the wonderful-smelling tea. Taking a few sips, I soon find myself relaxing.

We chat about everything—my past life, my new life, and what names I like for the baby. By the time I head to bed, I’m mentally fried, but for the first time in ages, I’m feeling positive about my future. I reach down and rub my tummy. “’Night, little one.”


Cole slams his body up against the wall and closes his eyes as he listens to the footsteps around him. Two upstairs and three coming toward him from the east. His radio clicks two times, Mark’s signal to let him know he’s still okay. Paul checked in moments ago, but John hasn’t yet. He clicks his radio once, checking in himself. He catches a reflection in a picture, and he waits until the man steps into the bedroom. One…two…three…he counts, then reaches out and wraps his hands around the guy’s neck and twists violently, snapping it. Lowering the former threat to the ground, Cole rolls him under the bed and waits for the other.

“Raven Two, what’s your position?” he whispers into the radio.

“Two-three west,” Mark replies.

Perfect. He’s on the second floor, three doors from the stairs.

Cole sneaks a look out the door. “Ten-four, Raven Two. Raven One inbound.”


Cole raises his gun and checks to ensure it’s clear. He locates the two men upstairs and sees two across the hall. The lights are dim, and with his black gear, camouflage, and face paint, he should be hard to spot. He moves fast and makes it to Mark’s room in a matter of seconds. Mark is crouched behind the door.

“Just a graze to the shoulder,” Mark quickly informs him.
