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“Hey, there, Savi!” Mark gives me a cocky smile. “Did we wake you?” Everyone turns and stares at me.

I shake my head and jump at another boom. “N-no, you didn’t.”

“You look a little nervous,” York chimes in as he sips his beer, glaring at me over his bottle.

“Stop,” Logan warns. “Everything okay?”

“Umm, yes.” I jump again, heat rushing to my face. “Just looking for Abigail.”

“She went to bed a while ago.”

“Oh,” I whisper, feeling even more anxious about going back to my room, “Thanks.”

“Savannah, you want to join us?” Logan asks, giving a flick of the head. I know he is only being nice.

“No, it’s okay. You guys enjoy your—”Boom!I jerk, closing my eyes for a moment.

Mark stands to make room between him and one of the guys.

I sigh and give in. Who am I kidding? I’d probably sit outside the door just for the comfort of their voices. “Thanks.” Mark deals out a new hand and gives me some green chips.

He tells me they play for fun once a week, but once a month they play for money.

“Have you even played before?” York asks as he fiddles with his cards.

“A few times.” My grandfather played once in a while. He taught me the basics—mostly how to bluff. I look around the table at the three other guys. “Hi.” It felt wrong sitting without introducing myself.

“Savannah, this is the guy who was driving the night we brought you here.” Mark points to the man next to me.

“John.” He flicks his cigar off to one side as he offers me his hand.

“This was the man in the back, Paul.” Mark points, and Paul gives me a wave. “York was in the Escalade in front of us.” York smirks. “And this is Keith.”

“AKA Beta Seven.” Logan winks at me.

“Oh!” I say, remembering him from earlier in the day. Logan got him to come out into the clearing.

Boom!I jump—why does this place have to have so many windows? I stop myself, shocked that I went there. Do I miss my prison walls? No way!Christ, stop!

“Umm, well, I guess this is a little late, but thank you all very much for saving me that night. I owe you.”

“It’s all in a day’s work,” John says with a tight nod.

“I know how you can make it up to us.” York wiggles his eyebrows. Logan elbows him hard in the side, and he grunts, cursing out loud. “Fuck, sorry! I was only playing.”

“Speaking of playing, shall we continue?” Mark asks, tossing a chip into the center.

We play a few hands, and I fold twice, mostly to watch the body language of the others at the table. Logan and Mark are hard to read, but the others make little slips here and there. By the fifth hand, I think I am ready to stay in, and I chuck two cards and wind up with a pair of twos. Crap! But I go with it; they don’t know what I have. Plus, it’s fun. Soon it is down to me, Mark, and York.

“Come on, Savi,” Mark chuckles, “break that poker face.”

I remember what my grandfather said. Grab at something serious that happened in your life and think about it. Pull that hard face from somewhere. So, I do…not like it’s hard.

He thinks for a minute then tosses his cards. “Fine! I fold.”

Great. One down, one to go. I glance at York, who is studying me. I toss two more chips on the table, raising the bid.

“Hmmm,” York mumbles as he stares at me for a few more minutes. “You haven’t played a hand yet, so I think you have something.” He looks at Mark. “Her face tells a lot. You just have to look for it.” York shakes his head in a cocky manner. “Fuck it, I fold.”
