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I couldn’t believe it. We had been at this hand for almost thirty minutes, and he’s folding. He thinks he’s so smart. What an ass. I start looking around the room, behind Mark’s chair, then under the table.

“What are you looking for?” York asks, annoyed.

“Oh, um, just your balls.” The whole table breaks out in a roar. Paul almost falls out of this chair. Mark turns over York’s cards, revealing a pair of tens.

“Well, what did you have?” York barks at me.

I don’t have to show him, but it only makes this moment so much better. I flip them over and watch his face fall.

He chews on the inside of his cheek.

I catch Logan watching me. He smiles and seems impressed. I’m impressed,andI’m having fun.

“Next Friday, ten p.m., I’m taking you down.” Mark points a finger at me as he scoops the chips into a bin. “I will figure you out.” He laughs and stands.

I feel myself smiling and really enjoying the company of these guys. I think I may be making friends. The idea thrills yet terrifies me. Can I really be easing back into a normal-feeling life so soon?

“Good night, guys.” I wave, and they head off to their bedrooms. Logan walks me to my room and does a quick check for me. I know he is trying to make me feel safer.

“How long until this storm passes?” I glance out the window.

“Forecast says this is a big one. Will you be all right here, or should I get Abigail?”

I turn, shaking my head. “No, I’ll be all right.” I watch him light my fireplace. “Logan, thanks for tonight. You didn’t have to involve me.”

He drops the matchstick into the flames and moves to stand in front of me.

“It was fun, and I’m glad you joined us.” He waits for a clap of thunder to pass. “Try to get some sleep. Remember, Abigail is just across the hall, and I’m two doors down, on your right.”

I nod.

“Safest place you can be is in this house.” His eyebrows pinch together like he’s thinking as his eyes burn into mine.

I’m very aware of my stomach fluttering.

He moves slowly—making his actions known. “Can I see something?”

I nod, feeling very comfortable with this man.

He brushes my hair away from my face and runs his hot fingers along my temple, stopping at my cheek.

I fight to not close my eyes and bask in the warm feeling that’s spreading throughout my body. I let out a small puff of air that I hadn’t realized I was holding in.

His eyes close. He looks like he wants to say something but stops himself. “Good night.” He drops his hand and heads for the door but pauses. “Oh, and, Savannah?”

I turn to look at him, still feeling the touch of his hand on my face.

“Please call me Cole.”

Wait! What…your name is Cole…Cole Logan?
