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“Her bedroom.”

I awkwardly move to my feet, feeling a little sore from sleeping on the floor.

“Did she get a good look at his face?” I recognize Daniel’s voice as I round the corner.

“Somewhat,” I answer, making them both jump.

“Where were you?” Cole eyes my fur-covered shirt. I don’t answer him; I’m still pissed. Instead, I reach for a mug and pour myself some coffee.

“You should have told someone,” Daniel says, giving me a small smile.

I stop at the island and turn toward him, still ignoring Cole.

“I was going to,” I mutter. “I need to change.”

“When you’re done, please find us in Cole’s office.”

“Sure.” I nod and head upstairs.

As Daniel holds Cole’s office door open for me and I take in the room, I note that Keith is sitting across from Cole and both look as tired as I feel.

“Come and sit down, Savannah.” Daniel points to the open seat. Keith gives me a smile as I sink down next to him and everyone stares at me. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to talk.

Daniel is the first to speak. “So, tell us about yesterday.”

I sigh, trying to hold back the emotion that is twisting inside me again.

“I went to use the restroom,” I begin, “when I saw a newspaper on the bar and stopped to look at it. Then I glanced outside and saw a man looking my way. He looked so much like Jose Jorge, I was really shaken up. I couldn’t believe it, so I started to follow him. I needed to be sure. Jose—” I stop myself.

“Jose what?” Cole asks, leaning forward in his seat.

Oh, God, I feel sick. “Jose was the one who used to whip me.” I wipe a pesky tear away. I can almost hear the tension thicken. “If it was him, I needed to know. I couldn’t lose sight of him. I wasn’t thinking—”

“Yeah, you sure weren’t,” Cole hisses, and I turn to him.

“You don’t need to remind me again, Cole! You got through to me last night,” I toss at him, making him flinch.

“Then what?” he asks tersely.

“So, now you want the details?” I blurt. I can’t help myself; he hurt me.

“Yes.” His jaw flexes.

I look away. “I followed him to the cafe. I went inside, but he wasn’t there. I lost him.” I leave out the part where I harassed a poor employee and a customer.

“What was the man who you thought was Jose wearing?” Daniel asks.

“Blue jacket with a red hat and jeans.”

“Why didn’t you tell someone right away?” Cole asks.

“Because I felt stupid! I thought I saw a man I hate more than anything in the world, and I went off chasing him to…what? Confront him? He overpowered me for seven months, so I don’t know what I was thinking. I was going to tell you, Cole. I just hadn’t seen you all day other than when we were decorating, but you disappeared again.” I gulp and continue my tirade. “When I went downstairs to grab some ice for Abigail, I ran into Derek. He saw I was upset and asked what was wrong, but I told him I wanted to talk to you about it first. That’s when you came down and saw us. I wanted to tell you then, but you never gave me a chance. You just tore a strip off me and accused me of frigging around with Derek. I’d never do that to—” I stop myself, remembering we aren’t alone.

I feel the need to apologize to Daniel. “I’m sorry for running off. I realize how dangerous it was, not just for me, but for Abigail too.” I glance back to Cole. “It was selfish of me, and it won’t happen again.”

Cole shakes his head and stares down at his desk. Everyone is silent.

“Are we done here?” I ask.
