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“Oh, honey,” she manages to get out.

“I’m okay, Mom, truly. A few bangs and scrapes, but all things considered, I’m fine. Dad is here with me, and we’re heading out shortly. We should be home late tonight.”

“All right, son. I…” Her voice shakes.

“Mom, please don’t tell Savi that I’m coming. Dad’s right to keep it quiet…just until I make it back. Some things happened while I was gone, and—”

“Of course, honey, I agree. She has been through so much…” She starts crying again. “Get Dad to call me later to give me a better idea of your arrival time. I love you, Cole, so very much.”

“I love you too, Mom. I’ll see you soon.” He wants to talk to Savannah, to tell her he’s alive and okay, but something tells him that he should have her in his arms first, just in case. He feels torn, but with the way his parents are acting, he knows things aren’t right.

“Well, you look like shit.” Mark grins, bursting into the room in typical Mark style. God, he missed him.“You ready to go, or are you going to fake your injury some more? Molly’s a hot little number, hey?”

“Really?” Cole rolls his eyes while Mark tosses him a piece of gum. He doesn’t think before popping it in his mouth until his tongue is invaded with a nasty taste. “Oh, shit!”

“What?” Mark shrugs, looking positively delighted that he got Cole to eat it. “It’s called Cool Cola.” Cole makes a face and spits it into the trash. “You now owe me two pieces of Hubba Bubba, dude.”

“Yech.” He reaches for his water, swirling it around his mouth, trying to relieve his taste buds.

Mark laughs. “Come on, the chopper is waiting. It will take us to the mountains, then we’ll drive the rest of the way. Changing it up, just in case.”

“Good plan.”

Mark shoots me an uncomfortable look as we leave. “General Csaba came by to see you.”

Oh, shit. Of course he did. Csaba is a hard-as-nails general who thrives on any kind of messed up. No one likes him.

“Something about wanting you to help his daughter with something.”

“I didn’t even know he had a kid.”

Mark shrugs, and I make a mental note to follow up with him when things get settled.


I notice Sue’s mood has changed from this morning. She has actually eaten a whole meal, seems to be interacting with people, and her recent demeanor of looking like she’s off in space is replaced by someone more like she used to be.Lucky her.I, on the other hand, feel like an empty shell. I try hard to act somewhat normal just so people will stop hovering over me. I feel like I did when I first arrived at the house—completely out of place, full of pain, and not sure where I belong. I pick up my untouched plate and place it on the counter. I can feel Abigail and June watching me. I turn toward the hallway and make my way to the front door, shrugging into my coat and boots and heading outside.

It’s lightly snowing, and everything is silent. As expected, the front door opens and closes, and I hear footsteps behind me.

Please, go away.

“I just need a minute, Derek,”

I’m so tired.

“First, don’t ever refer to me asthatselfish ass,” Mike says, approaching me. “And second, I just wanted to go for some fresh air too.” I roll my eyes, but I find his company welcome. Mike has been busy the last two days hiding away in Cole’s—his office. Oh, god, even thinking his name makes me shake and want to curse at the sky. I really am losing it.

“He’s not that bad, you know,” I say softly as we make our way through the fluffy snow.

“Who, Derek?”

“Yes.” I nod. “Derek has been friendly and respectful.”

“Well, that’s good,” Mike says with mild sarcasm.

I let it go, too tired to take it on.

“Let’s go this way.” He points toward my favorite spot up in the mountains.
