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Chapter Two

Cole swings his feet so they dangle over the edge of the bed and attempts to get up. He’s been in this private hospital room in North Dakota for two days, and it’s been long enough. His torso still burns like hell and his head feels like someone is in there enjoying themselves by smashing his skull relentlessly with a sledgehammer, but he knows he needs to get up and moving.

“Whoa...!” The spunky little redheaded nurse holds up her hands, coming into the room. “Where do you think you’re going, big boy?” He’s known Molly for a few years now. This is where the guys come if they need medical attention when they’re injured. They have to get clearance to go back to the house. She may be a sweet woman, but she has a will of iron, so he knows he has to tread lightly.

“I need to go, Molly. I’ve been here long enough, and I feel a lot better.” He reaches for his shirt, slipping it over his head with a grunt.

Her hands go to her hips. “I haven’t cleared you yet.”

“So, clear me.”

“Cole, you know I can’t do that. We’re still worried about your head.”

“Head’s fine.”

“Cole,” she scolds.

Frustrated, Cole argues. “Molly, you can either clear me or make my day shitty by having me fill out more paperwork than I already have, but either way, I’m leaving.”

She sighs and studies him then smiles tightly. “Give me ten minutes.”

The door swings open, and Cole’s father walks in holding two coffees.

“Maybe you can convince him to stay,” Molly grumbles as she leaves the room.

Cole shakes his head. “Don’t even start, Dad. I need to get home.”

Daniel hands Cole his coffee and sits in a chair watching him struggle to pull on his pants. “I agree we should get you home.”

Something in his voice causes Cole to stop his attempt to button his fly, and he looks at his father. “What happened? Is Savannah all right? Is she hurt?”

Daniel takes a deep breath and runs his finger along the rim of his cup before turning back with a tired look. “We thought she was asleep in her room, but she came down when we were looking at the tape.”

“Fuck.” Cole rubs his aching head as he slowly sits down, letting that piece of knowledge sink in along with the memory of the poor guy who was unlucky enough to be his double in the video.

“Yeah, it was, ahhhh…” Daniel clears his throat. “A lot has happened since you’ve been gone. If you’re feeling well enough, I think we should get you back. Damage control is going to take some time. She has been through a terrible shock.”

Cole sighs then winces from the pain. “Does she know I’m all right?”

“We thought it was best not to say anything until we physically got you home. We didn’t want to add any more ups and downs to the emotional rollercoaster she’s already on.”

“I feel like you’re not telling me everything, Dad. You’ve never lied to me before, so please don’t start now.”

Daniel leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. “No, son, I’m not lying. There are just some things that aren’t my place to discuss with you.”

Cole watches his father for a moment, seeing something like pain flash over his face. It doesn’t take much to figure out that something is up, and it isn’t good. It has his stomach in a knot. “Just tell me, is she all right?”

“Yes, she’s all right,” his father says, standing, “but there are so many questions that need answers, Cole. First, we need to get you out of here. While we’re waiting for Molly to get your clearance, you need to call your mother.” He hands a cell phone to Cole.

“Yeah,” Cole takes the phone, “of course.”

“I’ll be right outside.”

Cole dials and tries to think about what to say.

“Daniel?” His mother’s worried voice rings through the phone.

Tears threaten Cole’s eyes as he takes in a deep breath and speaks. “Mom?” There is the longest pause, then a quiet sob on the other end.
