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Chapter Three


Cole wakes to an empty bed, noticing Savannah laid out his painkillers and a bottle of water for him. He downs the two pills and heads for a much-needed shower. It takes him longer than normal to get dressed, which is annoying as he also has to change the dressing on his staples. The cut is healing well, and the infection is gone. He just has to wait a week before he can get the staples pulled. He makes his way downstairs and into the kitchen where Abigail is baking something and talking quietly to his mother.

“How’d you sleep, dear?” his mother asks, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She looks him over silently, probably to satisfy herself that he is really here and in one piece.

“Fine.” He yawns and reaches for the coffee.

Keith enters the kitchen and comes up next to Cole, looking out the window.

“Thanks, Keith,” Cole says quietly, “for taking care of her when I couldn’t and for stopping her—”

“Don’t thank me. Savi is like a sister. I’m just glad you’re back.”

Speaking of her…“Do you know where she is?”

“Dr. Roberts.”

“Really?” Abigail and Sue both say at the same time.

“Yeah, I know.” Keith turns to them.

Cole looks around the room, seeing their faces. “Why are we surprised?”

Sue shakes her head. “She stopped the sessions after we found out you were…gone. I guess she just needed some time to sort things out on her own.”

Cole leans back against the island, feeling beat even though he just got up. He checks the time, as he has a meeting with the guys in his office in fifteen. His stomach flutters when he hears her voice down the hallway.

“It’s therapeutic, Savannah,” he hears Dr. Roberts say. “Sometimes things that used to bring you comfort can still help you heal new wounds and old wounds too.”

“Maybe,” she sniffs. “It’s just it makes me think of him, and it’s hard to know where to place those feelings right now.”

“I understand, and that makes perfect sense. Try to pull from the old happy memories. You need to find a release, and this sounds like a perfect way to do it.”

“I prefer Mark’s way better,” she huffs, rounding the corner.

“You’ll get the poor guy fired if Logan finds out.” Dr. Roberts smiles when he sees everyone staring at them as they enter the kitchen. “Hi, Cole, it’s great to see you looking well.” He extends his hand for a shake. Before Cole leans back, he reaches for Savannah and guides her to his side, needing her to ground him. She nuzzles and molds herself to him.

“How was the session?” Cole asks.

“Good.” Dr. Roberts smiles at Savannah. “But I’m sorry, I must get going.”

“I’ll walk you out.” Abigail jumps to her feet.

Cole leans down and kisses Savannah on her head. “I have a video conference, but will you come see me afterward?”

“Sure.” She gives him a smile, but he can see she is raw from her session. She leans up and gives him a kiss.

“Oh, Savannah,” Abigail holds up a spoonful of cookie dough, “can you taste this? Something’s missing.”

Savannah’s face goes funny as she moves to Abigail’s side. She runs her fingers delicately over the top of the red Mixmaster.

“Something wrong, dear?”

“My mother,” she whispers through a tiny smile, “she used to have one just like this. Cherry red.” Her eyes light up. “I haven’t seen one in years.”

Abigail kisses her cheek, making Savannah notice everyone is staring at her. She takes the spoon and tastes the dough. “A pinch of cocoa powder.”
