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Chapter Ten

My father’s arm is wrapped around Lynn’s waist, and his tongue is stuck down her throat. He clicks a few images, showing me different angles. No matter how many times I look away and look back, I feel betrayed. He was like a father to her! She was his other daughter. How many times have I heard him say that? I wonder if Luka knew.

“Luka was involved too,” he says as if I had asked out loud. “It is said they took turns sometimes, or perhaps at the same time. Lynn was their entertainment, but it is she who is the true mastermind of this whole situation.” The American swings the computer to face him and starts typing away. “You see, Savannah, your own family wanted nothing to do with you. This threesome has been going on for years. Lynn was barely of legal age when your father approached her. Lynn has ambition. She is determined to make something of herself, so she went along.”

This is insane…I sink back into my chair.

“How-how could you know all of this?”

“I’ll get to that right after…this.” He turns the laptop around again, and I feel my feistiness fade away, leaving raw, gritty pain. “Yes, Savannah, the Colonel has been a busy man since you’ve been gone.”

“It’s…” I take a moment, gathering myself, “just a picture.”Another one to add to the pile.Deep down, I know there has to be an explanation, but he hits the arrow button, showing me another one, and the knife twists a little deeper.

“I know you and the colonel have a relationship. I saw his face when Luka mentioned your name. We tortured him for hours and got nothing, but,” he raises a finger, “when Luka mentioned you sexually, he reacted. It was a telltale sign that we found his weak spot.” He shrugs. “But now you’re gone, and men have needs.” He hits another button, showing me more. The pictures are all with the same girl. They look to be in Texas. She’s a beautiful blonde, with long legs, huge boobs, and she is sporting the skimpiest outfits. In every picture, he’s touching her in some way. The one that hurts the most is where he’s tucking her hair behind her ear, gazing at her the same way he looks at me.

“How did you get these? These could be from years ago before I met him.”

The American points to a digital sign that’s off in the background. Shit, two days ago.


The American closes the computer and leans back in his chair. “Remember, Savannah, everyone has a price. Anyone can be bought.” His eyes flicker with amusement at his little comment. “It’s all about finding what they want. I’m a wealthy man, Savannah. I can make things happen.” I shake my head. My brain is spinning, desperately looking for answers. “I got to one of the colonel’s men. He was willing to do anything for me once I knew he had three kids under the age of ten, and one has high medical expenses. When I handed him a wad of cash, he practically wept.”

“Who?” The word is like acid on my tongue. Everyone’s face from the house flickers in front of me. “York?”

“Oh, please, don’t be insulting, Savannah. York was an asshole pervert who couldn’t even finish the job I ordered him to do.”

“He almost killed me!” I slam my hand down on the table.

The American waves a hand at me. “But he didn’t, just like he didn’t get the results of your blood tests online like he was supposed to. He could have done it. He was fine with hurting you, and he was fine with handing you over to me, but he was never going to give up the location of their base.”

“Then why did he flip?”

“Positions in Blackstone.” He shrugs. “York wanted more, but he said Daniel couldn’t see past his own son. The golden boy who made colonel before most made it to captain. Jealousy is a bitch.” He grins at me like his answers make me feel better or something. “So, I moved on, found someone younger, someone I can trust to do some digging. I sent the word out that York was done, and he offed himself before I could get to him. One less worry to deal with.”

“So, who is it?”

“Who do you think?” His eyes challenge me to answer, but I’m smart enough to keep my mouth shut.

“You’re bluffing.”

“Am I?” He opens a file and tosses a stack of pictures at me. They slide around the table, some falling to the floor. They’re all of Cole and the blonde woman. However, some are at different times of the day, and she’s in different outfits. Clearly, she and Cole had been spending time together and recently. “Nice to know when you’re in trouble you can count on him, hey?” He pats my arm. “Well, the colonel is clearly getting his own needs taken care of.” He pauses for a moment. “Your life has been a lie. Nothing is what it seems, butthis,my love,” he leans forward and gives me a hungry gaze, “this can be something real.”

My head drops. I feel so tired I just want it all to end. Everything hurts. I wish I could slip away somewhere, anywhere, even if it means I have to create false happiness. At least I can blissfully pretend life is good.

“Now, let me take you to bed. I can make you feel so much better.”

That does it. I come abruptly out of my stupor and glare at him. “You touch me, and I’ll cut your dick off when you’re sleeping. I will never sleep with you, so you wasted your money buying me. You can take your sick, twisted, little fantasy and shove it up your ass!”

“Oh, such a mouth. This is not like you, Savannah. You need to calm down. You have no one but me now to love you. The proof is in your past. The proof is in those pictures. Are you sure you want to threaten the person who saved you from all that? The one person who’s asking you to give him a chance? I want you to be mine.”

I stand. I’m done. This man is mad.

“I can never love a monster. How can you expect me to love you? You may think you can buy my body, but you can’t buy my soul.”

I see a flash of anger in his eyes, then he grabs my arm and drags me up the stairs to a small room in the attic, tossing me to the floor. Tim follows us and picks me up, muttering something about never speaking to The American like that. He apologizes for having to handcuff me to the wall, saying he hopes I’ll only be left here for a few hours then leaves me alone with my thoughts.

I’ve almost fallen asleep when I hear his boots, and then a flash of gold catches my eye. My stomach twists, but he just stands there staring at me like he used to do when I was in TJ. I am pleased there is only a little light that filters through the window of the attic.
