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Cole tells him to take a seat as he opens his file and looks over the paperwork. Cole knows he is a true candidate across the board. He’s the one Cole has had his eye on from day one. Roth is made for Shadows, but there is still something that niggles at Cole. “Roth, I’m sure you got wind that I’ve been looking to recruit a man for my house.”

“I have.” He leans back in his chair, looking pretty confident, which irks Cole a little. York was cocky.

“But there has to be trust.” Cole watches as tiny beads of sweat break out across his upper lip. “Do you feel you are trustworthy?”

“I-I do,” he stumbles. “You’ve seen my chart. I’ve passed everything with flying colors. I haven’t failed one test you’ve thrown at me.”

“I’m not questioning your physical strength or your ability. That we know. I’m talking about trust. If there’s no trust, then there’s no team. No team means there’s no job.”

“Youcantrust me.” The words come out, leaving Cole uneasy. Something feels off. He’s been around long enough to go with his gut, and right now it’s screaming at him to cut Roth loose.

“Then why did you swim by Corporal Davie, while he helped Pipes finish the drill? He’s not nearly the swimmer you are.”

He leans back in his seat and crosses his arms. “You get don’t stats like that,” he points to his file, “picking up the weak.”

Cole clamps down on his tongue, thanking his gut and letting a few quiet seconds go by as he studies Roth’s face. “Well, thanks for being honest, Roth. Now it’s my turn. I don’t think you’re the right fit for Shadows.” Roth’s face falls; clearly, this is not what he was expecting.

“Colonel, can you give me a chance? I’ll do anything. Just let me come to the house, and I’ll prove it.” Roth looks almost panicky. Cole runs Roth’s words over in his head.

“I’m sorry, Roth, but I’m staying firm on my decision. Now,” Cole stands and collects his things, “I have to go. Take care, Roth. You’re a good soldier. You’ll do well.”

The squeaking of boots has Cole whipping around, ready to fight, but he sees Roth charging Davie instead.

“You ruined it for me!” Roth screams, his face blazing red and the vein in his neck popping out.

Davie shakes his head but raises his hands in surrender, knowing better than to swing back. Fighting each other is forbidden during training, and Roth just screwed any chance he had in Cole’s unit or anyone else’s. This is confirming he’s a hothead and loose cannon.

Cole hauls Roth to his feet and slams him into the wall with a finger in his face. “Pack your bags and wait for the call. You don’t belong at Camp Green Water.”

Roth’s chest heaves as he tries to swallow back whatever the hell he wants to say. Cole motions for Davie to follow.

A few of his buddies are congratulating him before he holds the door for Cole. Respectful. Yeah, Cole knows he has made the right decision.

They drive directly to Zack’s, unable to take him to the house until all the documents have been signed. Frank has to go over the contracts, have Davie sign the NDA, and be sure he fully understands what is expected of him.

Davie is clearly book smart and asks all the right questions. The longer Cole spends time with him, the more he feels good about his choice. Frank briefly questions Davie on the altercation with Roth and shoots Cole a look that means Roth will be revaluated and might be dropped down to basic training. He is a damn good soldier but needs to get his head back on straight.

“Can I get you anything else?” The host, Adam, comes over holding a pitcher of water and refilling their glasses.

“No, thanks.” Frank covers his glass with his hand, indicating he doesn’t want any more. “Just let Zack know we’re leaving, please.”

“Sure, he should be done with Nicole’s paperwork by now.”

Cole’s head snaps up at the use of Savannah’s cover name. “What?”

Adam nods and picks up a plate, balancing it in his hand. “Yeah, he spent a good hour with her earlier this afternoon. I’m not sure why, but you know Zack. He’s like a vault. Anyway, she and your mother left about two hours ago, saying they needed to meet someone.” A smile breaks along his lips. “So pretty and sweet with just the right mixture of sexy…man, what a combo.” He whistles as he leaves the table, missing Cole’s death look.

“I hope he was talking about Nicole.” Frank snorts, making Davie crack up. Even Cole smiles, but only for a moment. He is confused.What the hell is going on?
