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“Mark’s favorite color.” Zack beams like a proud father. “Mark never did move out. Those boys were brothers from the start and are thick as thieves.”

I dry the corners of my eyes and laugh.

“Sorry. I guess that wasn’t the juicy story you were looking for.”

“No,” I shake my head with a sniff and squeeze his hand as a thank you, “it was better.”


Cole hangs up the phone with Frank feelingoffwith their conversation about Ryder’s parents. They owe a lot of money and are more concerned about their casino than where their child might be. Abigail said the boy isn’t coming out of his room, which seems normal, but they only had one child here before, and she was a little older. This is new for everyone. He was glad Dr. Roberts will arrive around twelve to evaluate him, then Frank can take him into town where his aunt is waiting.

His phone alerts him he has a text.

Mark: Living room.

Cole makes his way down the hallway, hearing all kinds of voices. The smile on Abigail’s face makes his stomach twist, then he sees her hugging June. It’s been three weeks, but she’s really here in his living room. Savannah sees him and gives him a little smile, one that makes him want to grab her, toss her over his shoulder, and take her upstairs.

“Hi.” Her eyes are deep and dark. “Can we talk when you have a moment?”

“Sure.” He nods as her focus drops to his lips momentarily. At least he sees she’s still drawn to him, and his pants tighten as he breathes her in. He needs to be alone with her now. “You want to talk in my office?”

“No!” June squeals. “She just got here. You can talk about whatever later, but right now I want to hear all about what she’s been up to.” She grabs Savi’s hand and starts pulling her to the couch.Damn you, June…

They talk and talk…you would think Savi has been gone for months. The only thing keeping him going is listening to her voice. God, he missed her voice, her laugh, the way she sneaks a peek at him every once in a while. Just letting him know she’s thinking of him.

After some time, he heads back to his office. He has some emails to send before he can take the evening off. Now that Savannah is here, he wants to wrap this up faster.

“Cole,” June whispers from his doorway. “Cole, you’ve got to come see this.” He groans when he loses his train of thought. “It’s Savi.” He looks up and sees her smile now that she’s got his attention. “You have to see this.”

He follows her out the door.

“After everyone started doing their own thing and the place quieted down, Keith asked Savi to make him his favorite cookies, and,” she pauses, “just look…”

He peeks around the corner, seeing Savannah in an apron, hair pulled up and speaking quietly.

“You want to crack the egg?” she asks Ryder, who is sitting on the island helping Savannah make the cookies. He turns back to June, who’s beaming.

“He came into the kitchen and took her hand. She sat on the floor and started talking to him, then asked if he wanted to make cookies, and he said yes. She even lifted him up on there. He doesn’t like being touched, Cole. He doesn’t really take to any of us, but he likes her.” June signals her sister to come see what they’re looking at.

Savannah picks up a spoon and dips it into the jar of peanut butter from when she made Ryder’s sandwich earlier. “You know what I love to do when no one’s looking?” Ryder shakes his head and giggles when she scoops a spoonful of peanut butter and pops the spoon in her mouth. “You want to try?” She picks up another spoon and hands it to him. He hesitates, but she encourages him to do it, and he shoves a huge glob of peanut butter into his little mouth. “Great job!” She high-fives him.

“Natural born mother.” Abigail peeks up at Cole.

“What are we looking at?” Dr. Roberts whispers, making the three of them jump.

“Ryder likes Savannah,” Abigail answers.

Dr. Roberts takes a peek then steps into view. Cole moves into the kitchen too but stays back. Ryder spots the doctor and grabs Savannah’s arm. “Good afternoon, Savannah. What are you making?”

“Hello, Doc. Ryder and I are making Keith’s favorite oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.”

“They smell good,” he says, staying a few feet away. He watches as Ryder buries his head into her shoulder. Her hand runs along his back, soothing him. “I was wondering if Ryder would come and draw me a picture.” Ryder doesn’t move, but Savi bends down to his eye level.

“You know what, Ryder? My favorite color is purple. Would you draw me a picture so I can hang it on the fridge? The boys in this house never draw me any pictures.” She gives a loud sigh and smiles at him lovingly as he looks from the doctor to her again. He finally nods his little brown head and reaches out so she’ll help him down.

“Let’s go to the dining room, it’s just right there, and draw Savannah a picture.” Doc Roberts leads the way, leaving the two of them in the kitchen. Savannah goes back to making the cookies.

“That was pretty impressive,” Cole says, coming to stand by the island where she’s working.
