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His face lights up. “I’ll go get my tools.”

“Wait, Keith, who is coming—”

“Why does your elevator take nine years to get to the fifth floor?” June jokes, setting a large box on my kitchen table. I nearly jump into her arms. I’m so thankful to see family here in my own place.

June nods at Abigail, who is holding a bag full of homemade food.

“Thought you might like something different to eat.” She opens my fridge and sees my jar of peanut butter and bottled water. “Well, I thought you might be hungry.”

“Thanks!” I peer over her shoulder and see a container of her lentil soup. Yum.

June pours herself a glass of wine then wanders over to the couch and retrieves mine from the side table. “This is a lovely place, dear.”

“Thank you.” I sit at the counter and watch Abigail.

“Here.” Abigail pushes a large wrapped present toward me. “This is to keep Keith happy.”

I grin, wondering what the heck it can be. I pluck the silver bow off and rip the paper down the sides. My hands stop mid-tear when I see what it is. “Oh, my.”

“I hope it’s the right color.”

“It is.” I open the box and carefully pull it free from all the packaging. My fingers run along the red paint, down the neck, and around the shiny metal bowl. “It’s just like her Mixmaster.” Pressing my lips together, I rein in my emotions. How did I ever get so lucky to have these two amazing women in my life? “Thank you so much!”

“You’re more than welcome, dear.” They both give me a hug.

It looks perfect next to my coffee maker. I turn to see June and Abigail looking at my living room. Leaning against the counter, I feel happy they’re here. This is nice. I really have to try harder.

“This is your locker, aprons are here, bathrooms are over there, and this is where you punch in and out.” Zack takes the time card and slips it into the slot where we hear it stamp the long yellow form. “There. You’re officially on the clock.” He motions for me to follow him through a short hall to the bar which is alongside his restaurant. “Since you’ve bartended before, this shouldn’t be too hard for you. Jake will show you the ropes.”

“All right.” Butterflies dance in my stomach. I’m nervous about being around such a large crowd; it’s been a while.

He hands me my nametag. “Here’s the deal, Savi. You have any problems with the customers, talk to Jake. He’s great, and he’ll have your back no matter what. We don’t have much trouble here, but there are always a few…well, you know what I mean. But ifSavannahneeds help,” he gives me a look to make sure I understand that I go to him if something comes up with my case, “you come find me. I should always be working the same shift as you, but if for some reason I’m not, Keith or Daniel won’t be far away. Any questions?” I shake my head, taking it all in. “Jake,” he calls out, “meet your new sidekick.”

A tall, well-built guy about my age flashes me a set of pearly whites. “Well, aren’t I just the lucky one? Hey, there, I’m Jake.”

“Savi.” We shake hands, but before I pull away, he spins me around, studying me.

“Okay, first, this isn’t going to work.” He shakes his head and reaches under the bar and hands me a t-shirt. “Go put this on.” He smiles and points to a small door. I quickly change into a black V-neck t-shirt that has a bit more cleavage showing than something I would have picked out. The shirt hangs just below my belly button, showing half an inch of skin above my pants. Jake rubs his fingers over his lips when he sees me. “Good, but…” he pulls my ponytail free and lets my hair fall around my shoulders, “this is better.” He nods approval. “Sex sells, and in the afternoon and evening, this place is buzzing with tired men looking for a drink. With that body and face, Savi, we’ll have this place packed to the max, and that means…tips!”

Just after seven, the place is slammed. Thankfully, Jake is patient, and my memory hasn’t given up on me. I’ve never made four apple martinis at once, but ’I definitely can now. I learn quickly that the girls who come to the bar are rich and impatient, and most of the men are into some kind of extreme sport or other. I barely have time to think about breathing before the next order is being barked at me, but I’m soon into the swing of it and am getting the job done.

“You have a gentleman caller,” Jake says over my shoulder as I enter an order into the computer.

I glance over and see Mark grinning as he snags an empty seat near the middle of the bar. I finish up and head over, wiping my hands on a rag.

“Well, hello, stranger.” I lean over and give him a hug. “It’s good to see your face.”

He eyes my shirt. “He’s not going to like this.” That painful knot in my stomach tightens, but I shrug his comment off. “How are you, Savi?”

I laugh and lean over the counter to make my point. “Really, how am I?”Like you all don’t get a play by play update from Keith. He smirks, nodding at the Stella on tap. I grab a glass and pour him one. “I’m all right, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you guys. How are things at the house? How’s Abby? Is June still here?”

“You can come home, you know.” He peers at me over his glass, but when he sees my shrug, he changes the topic. “June is still here. She’s talking about moving in permanently. She hates being away from her sister. You know how she and Abby are.” He smiles.

I slap my rag against the counter. “Really? It will be so great to have her around!”

“Yeah, it will be.” He turns his attention to a customer who’s calling out for me. I hold up a finger and rush over to the guy.

“Hi. What can I get you?” I ask.
