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The man pushes up his sleeves as he takes a seat. “You, for starters.” I sigh inwardly and keep my expression the same.

“How ‘bout a drink?” I counter, but this makes him smile.

“Scotch, neat, keep them coming, and if by the end of the night you do a good job, I’ll do the same for you.” He slips me his credit card and hotel key. I stare at them both in shock. This man doesn’t waste any time. I pluck the credit card and, ignoring his key, make his drink. When I hand him the drink, he wraps his fingers around mine. “I’m Don.” He reaches over with his free hand and fingers my nametag. “Savi, that’s a pretty name.”

“Thanks,” I say, pulling my hand away. “Excuse me.” I head back over to Mark, who is watching me like a hawk. I slap on a smile and ask if he wants another.

“Really, Savi, you want to work here? Withtheseguys?” Mark twists his beer in his hand as he points with his head at the Don guy. “Cole isn’t going to like this.”

Shaking my head, hands on my hips, I raise an eyebrow at him. “Were you sent here to spy, Mark, or did you come by as a friend seeing a friend?”

He glares right back. “First, I’m seeing family, not just a friend. You don’t think I’ll be hounded when he calls in tonight? Please spare me the look. I have to report something to the poor guy.”

I reach for a towel and wipe down a nonexistent water ring. “Where is he this time?”

“Washington. He testified against The American yesterday.” My throat suddenly goes dry. “It went well. He should be home tonight or tomorrow.” He makes a face, and I know what he’s going to say.

“When do I have to go?” The blood drains from my face when I think about having to see those people again.

Mark downs his beer. “Look, Savi, you might not see Logan too much. Don’t take it to heart. He’s been trying really hard to let you have your space plus he has to deal with all the crap with the courts. He is trying to get you out of it of testifying on the stand. We’re hoping you can do it from here using video chat, but it would be more effective if you were there in person.”

“I’ll do it,” I say, tossing the towel aside. “Tell Frank I’ll come to Washington.”

“You don’t have to, Sav—”

“I should get back to my customers. It was really nice seeing you, Mark. Please say hello to everyone for me.” I start to walk away, but Mark hooks my arm and stops me.

“Come by the house tomorrow night and have dinner with us.”

I shake my head. “Sorry, I’m working.”

“Then during the day?”

“I’ll see.” I pat his arm and leave to tend to the rest of the customers.

“You did great tonight,” Jake says a few hours later as he tugs the strap of his bag over his head. “Can I walk you out?”

“Sure.” We step out into the freezing air, and tiny snowflakes wander down from the sky. I wrap my scarf around my neck. “How long have you been working for Zack?”

Jake starts walking in my direction. “For about three years. I don’t have any family here, so he’s taken me under his wing. I see he’s done the same with you.”

I nod, feeling very at ease with Jake. He’s very kind and soft-spoken.

“Actually, you seem to have a lot of people keeping an eye on you,” he says quietly. “That guy who came by tonight, is he your boyfriend?”

“Just a close friend.” I smile, thinking if Mark came off as my boyfriend, maybe Don will lay off the next time he comes in for a drink. A motorcycle zips by, and I flinch at the Devil that rode on his back.

“That’s good, because I know he’s dating Mel.” I glance up at him. “She’s a friend too. So, what’s the deal, Savi? You have Mark, Zack, and that huge, tall guy who’s like your shadow.”

“Keith,” I say with a laugh. “He’s like an older brother.”

“Okay, so what’s with the army of men? You, like, in some kind of trouble?” I nearly trip on flat ground with his guess.

“You’re pretty observant for only knowing me for, what, nine hours?”

He pulls the collar of his jacket up higher to keep the chill off his neck. “It’s sorta something I do. I love to people watch.” He stops and turns to face me. “I’m just offering an ear if you need it.” He points with his head. “This is me.” I smile when I see we are standing in front of my building.

“What floor?”
