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I dive into a snowbank as three bullets whiz by my feet. Mark pulls me closer to the fallen tree trunk.

“Oh, great, you’ve got Logan’s attention. I thought we lost him back at the driveway.”

I check my paintballs and see I have ten left. Plenty.

“No worries, Mark. I have a plan.” He looks at me, waiting for me to explain. “Let’s just say it involves June and one of our flags.” His eyes light up, and his mouth spreads wide.

“You wanna join Blackstone? We could use a member like you.”

“Let me be the one who gets Cole, and I’ll consider it,” I joke, rolling on my back, looking up at the window and giving a thumbs-up. Mark signals for Davie and Dell to move to the next spot, which is a huge mistake because Cole and Keith change positions and nail them the moment they start running.

“Two down, two to go!” Cole yells to us. I see June and Mike round the corner looking just like Mark and me.Perfect. They make a move toward the woodpile, but Cole is quick and pops both of them in the legs and arms. He turns to Keith, fist-bumping, and that’s when we move. It’s an epic moment. I hope I can replay the cameras and make a copy for myself. Mark swings off to the side and pops Keith in the back of his helmet. I stay low, and just as Cole goes to pop Mark, I nail him in the back three times.


Everyone freezes as Cole looks from June to me, wondering what is going on. Then it clicks. He points his finger at me and chucks his helmet to the ground. His smile is dangerous, but all play. I remove my helmet, laughing and feeling very pleased that my plan worked out. Mark fist bumps me, calling out that we won.

“You, come here!” Cole shouts, storming toward me.

“Run, Savi!” Mark yells. “Run very fast!” I turn and run, but my laughing isn’t helping. My boots sink into the deep snow, but I manage to make it to the training barn. I glance over my shoulder to see he’s a few yards away.

Once inside, I take in my surroundings and decide an old stripped truck in the back corner is where I’ll hide. I climb through where the windshield would be and head to the back seat. I hunker down and wait.

I wait and wait and wait…I’m starting to think he had to go inside. Maybe he got a call or Dr. Roberts needed him. Crap…I unfold myself and crawl out the side window. Just as I’m at the front of the truck, he drops down from a rafter, grabs my hips, and tosses me on top of the hood.

I scream, laughing. “You may have played me, but you forgot one important rule.” He undoes my pants and yanks my bottoms, pulling my boots off with them. “You must always be willing to wait out your prey.” He unzips his pants, exposing his massive erection. “And you, my love, are my prey.” His fingers touch my opening, feeling how turned on I am for him. Just his voice alone sends a flood to the gates. I push all thoughts aside and relax. “So deliciously warm and ready,” he whispers as he pulls out his fingers and gently feeds himself inside. My back bows over the hood, my head tips back, and my lips form an O as he fills me to maximum capacity. One hand sneaks up my shirt and palms a breast. “I rather like you like this, Savannah. I’m thinking we should try new places more often.”

“I thought we christened my new apartment rather well.” I pant as he rolls his hips, hitting every angle he can. I close my eyes, relishing how deep he is, and my tongue darts out, moistening my lips.

“Mmm, that’s true.” He grips my hips as he pushes in harder. I yell out, only fueling his fire. “You have no idea what your sounds do to me.” I’m delirious, and my vision is going as he keeps up a steady pace. “The way your eyes darken the more turned on you get makes me so hard it hurts.” I claw at his arms as he yanks me off the roof.

He remains inside me as he briskly moves us past the holding area and into an office where it’s much warmer. I remove my jacket as he sits down on a leather chair with me straddling his lap. He helps me strip down so I’m completely naked. Taking one of my nipples in his mouth, he starts to suck. His other hand roams my feverish skin. I start to rock to build myself back up to where I was. He leans back and swivels me around so my back is to him. “Grip the desk, baby.” I lean forward, doing what he says as he stays sitting. “So beautiful.” His fingertips run along the length of my spine. He bucks his hips, and my grip slips. “Hold on,” he orders while he stands and kicks the chair away from him.

His pace quickens again, each thrust hitting the end of me. His fingers dig into my shoulders and one hand fists my hair.

“Cole!” I cry, not sure how long I’ll last.

“I don’t care how much,” pound, pound, “you try to push me away,” pound, pound, “you’ll always be mine.” Pound, pound. “No more dates, Savannah. No more kissing other men.” Pound, pound. “You need something, you come to me.”

“It wasn’t a date!” I yell, needing him to understand, but my thoughts get lost as I jump from the ledge. Stars shoot off, sound leaves, and I fall back down to heavenly earth. When I come to my senses, I’m on my back on top of the desk while Cole slips my shirt over my head. I lift my boneless body to help.

“Cole.” I stop him as he goes to grab my clothes from the truck. “I didn’t go on a date with him. I was doing it as a favor for a friend.”

He looks confused. “Friend?” I nod. “Who?”

I sit up, but my bones are like jelly. “I can’t say, but I promise you I made it clear that nothing was going to happen. I didn’t know he was going to kiss me, and when he did, I felt wrong. Not just because you didn’t know, but because it wasn’t you.”

“It hurt seeing it,” he mumbles.

“And it hurt that you broke up with me without hearing me out,” I counter, raising my chin. “Makes me think that if the going gets rough, you’ll leave me without hesitation.”

He steps closer and lowers his face to mine. “I’m sorry for what I said and the way I acted. It just scares me that you’re there in that apartment by yourself, working at that bar with all those men wanting a piece of you. I know I panicked, and in turn, it pushed you farther away. I want a future with you, Savannah, but not until you’re ready. I’m going to back off…” he raises a brow, “to a degree,and let you come to me when you decide you’re ready for us.” His stare is overpowering. “But, Savannah, when you tell me you’re ready, be prepared for what’s to come.”

I nod because I can’t find my voice. He captures my lips and shows me how true his words are.

The walk back to the house is quiet, with only the sound of our boots. I grin, remembering that just an hour ago I pulled one over on him.

“What’s with the grin?” he asks, peering down at me.
