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“I was just wondering how long it’ll take until the green will wash off your back.” I beam up at him. “You know…when I tricked you and won the game.” He goes to grab me, but I jump out of the way, laughing. “You know, the game youforbidme to ever play again.” His smile turns devilish. “Oh, yes, Colonel, I went there.” I walk backward, keeping a distance between us.

“You’re in such trouble,” he says with an evil laugh. “You’re in for it now.”

I walk up the stairs with a little extra swing in my hips, turning to see him staring at me from the ground. “That’s the plan.”

Frank and Ryder step out as I reach for the handle.

“Good, Logan, his aunt just arrived at Zack’s,” Frank calls down to him.

Poor little Ryder looks so scared. “I hope to see you again soon, Ryder,” I say, bending down to his eye level. “Don’t be nervous about Frank. He just looks scary, but he’s a close friend of mine, so you’re in good hands.” I notice Frank gives Cole a small smile. “Have a fun trip with your aunt.” He leans in and wraps his tiny arms around my neck. I give him a kiss on the side of his head when he pulls away with watery eyes. “Bye, Ryder.”

Frank takes Ryder’s hand and walks him to the truck, with Cole trailing behind. I wipe away a few stray tears, feeling that maternal need to protect the little fella. I know he’ll be fine. I also know he’ll be scared from all this, and that’s something you can never shake.

“I hate when we get kids,” Abigail says from behind me. I nod. She puts her hand on mine. “I know, dear, itsucks.”

“It does.” I laugh at her choice of words. “I’ve known this little boy all of six hours, but it still hurts seeing him leave.”

Dinner is great and just what I needed, an Abigail-cooked meal. Keith stuffs his mouth with my cookies while everyone else eats cheesecake. We retire into the living room while John and Paul set up the poker table downstairs. I take my favorite spot in front of the fire, where Scoot finds me, meowing dramatically and making sure I see how put out he has been since I’ve been gone. I work hard to make it up to him as his eyes roll back and his legs flop open.He really has no shame.


Cole watches as Savannah gives Scoot a good rubdown and smiles at how he basks in her presence. Everyone is in good spirits, and in no time, most are downstairs playing poker while Abigail and June head to bed.

“Savi,” Cole whispers. He flicks his head toward the stairs. “Come take a walk with me.”

“Where?” she asks, rising to her feet.

“Just downstairs.”

He sits her down at the piano, a place where she’s comfortable, and moves to stand by the window to watch the snow fall. It always seems to be snowing. He lets out a puff of air, reluctant to have this conversation with her. They were having a good day.

“Ryder seemed to like you.”

“He’s sweet.”

“Are you all right?”

“About Ryder leaving?”


Her eyes soften. “I’ve known the kid for six hours. It’s sad what happened to him, but we didn’t form a bond. Were you worried I was upset because I lost our baby?”

He nods, wanting to be honest. “Yeah, I was.”

“Thank you for caring, but I’m fine.”

Cole shakes his head with a smile. He needs to stop underestimating her strength. He heads to the minibar and fixes himself a drink, making her a martini just the way Mark does. He sets it on top of the piano and slides in next to her, lifting the lid to expose the keys. “Will you play me something?”

She reaches for the drink and takes a long sip. He wonders if she’ll do this for him. It doesn’t go unnoticed that she rubs her hands over her lap. She’s nervous. “What would you like to hear?”

He brushes her hair away from her face and leans over to give her a kiss behind the ear. “Anything you want.”

“Can you sit behind me?” She glances up. “I haven’t played in front of anyone in a long time.”

“As you wish.” He takes his drink and sinks into the large leather seat behind her, angling it so he can study her profile. His stomach is in a knot for both of them. He pulls an ankle to rest over his leg and settles in for a glimpse into this part of her heart.

She closes her eyes and whispers, “Mom.” He can almost picture her mother sitting there, encouraging her to play. Telling her how much she loves her. Slowly, a faint smile tugs at her cheeks before she extends her hands and presses down.
