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Her fingers dance along the keys, making it look effortless. He doesn’t recognize the song. It’s different at first, but then a note triggers his memory, and he soon realizes she’s playingYesterdayby The Beatles. She’s twisting the melody, adding a little bluesy touch. He likes it—likes it a lot, actually. But what stops his heart mid-beat is when she starts to sing the chorus. Her voice is low but strong. His brandy gets stuck in his throat around the knot lodged there. Setting his drink down, he leans forward and rests his forearms on his thighs, drinking in the intoxicating feeling. It’s such a raw and powerful moment.

One finger rests against his temple as he closes his eyes, getting lost in the lyrics. A noise off to his side snaps his eyes open. He turns and he sees his mother cupping her mouth. Her cheeks are wet, the same as his. Savannah, right here, right now, is making progress. She’s trusting him with a talent she doesn’t share with anyone. He smiles at his mother, who blows him a kiss before she disappears up the stairs.

Moving his attention back to her, he watches in awe as her body moves to the music, and he knows she’s born to feel it. He never knew she could play like this. It makes him realize how much he still has to learn about her. Which gives him an idea.

Her shoulders rise at the high notes. Her hair slides off to the side, exposing her slender neck, while her eyes close, pouring her heart into every single word. It’s easy to see this is her outlet and passion. He makes a note to look into converting one of the offices into a music room for her so she can escape and play in private.

When the song ends, she doesn’t turn to look at him. She just sits staring at the keys.

Breathing in deeply, he clears his throat and moves to her side, seeing her teary eyes. “She was with me,” she sniffs, “all the time I was in my prison. I could see her and feel her touch sometimes.” A tear slips down, but he catches it before it falls. He doesn’t have to ask her to go on. He’s heard her tapes with Doc Roberts and knows she decided to kill herself at the end when she lost all hope. “Now she’s only with me when I play.” She ducks her head down so her hair hides her face. “I’m scared I’m going to lose my memories of her.”

“Share them with me, so you won’t.” He lifts her chin, showing her his eyes, letting her see his sincerity. “Thank you for that, Savannah.” He leans down and drops a kiss to her lips, letting them linger a few moments before he says, “You have a lovely voice.”

“Thank you.” She sighs, closes the lid, and takes a sip of her martini.

He tucks her hair behind her ear, wanting nothing more than to make her feel better.

He offers a hand after he stands. “Come to bed with me?”

Her smile touches the corners of her eyes as she stands, threading her fingers through his. He pulls her in and buries his face in her hair.

“I need to hold you.”

Her grip tightens as she turns into him. “Please do.”

Chapter Five

“Cole,” she whispers, her hand running across his stomach. “Cole, wake up.”

“Mmm,” he mumbles, pulling her closer and keeping his tired eyes shut. It must be two a.m.

The bed moves as she climbs on top of him. Her hair falls all around as she kisses his chest, his shoulders, his neck, and stopping at his ear. “I need you.” His eyes open to her hungry gaze. “To dominate me.” A flash of excitement spreads over her face as a wicked smile appears. She sits back on her knees, holding her arms above her head and letting a scarf drop from her fingertips.Oh, sweet Lord, this better not be a dream!

He grips her hips, sending her to the side so she’s flat on her back. He snatches the scarf and binds her wrists together. “You want me to be rough, baby?” She bites her lip as she gives a nod. “You haven’t had enough from last night?” Her legs drop open to show how wet she is. Her eyes drag away from his and lead a hot trail down to his straining erection.

“Make me scream, Cole,” she says, her voice husky. “Make me leave here with a reminder of you.”

Leave.That word stings a bit.

He hovers over her and rests his weight on one arm, while the other skims the backs of his fingers down along her skin until they meet with the moisture dripping out of her. “You’re full of me.” He grins down at her. “I love that.”

She pulls against the restraints, flicking her hips up so he’ll touch her there. He loves how she gives up all control. He needs this just much as she does. His fingers push inside, scissoring as they go.

“More,” she begs. “Cole, I need more.”

He leans down and nips her nipple, making it taut, then blows a stream of air over the top, and she gasps. She’s hungry, and he loves it, but he also knows it grounds her when she’s feeling lost. The idea of teasing her right now is tempting, but no, he’ll give her what she wants. He moves to position at her opening and ever so gently nudges forward.

“Cole!” she nearly shouts, lifting her hips off the mattress.

He steadies his balance and thrusts forward, slamming into her with almost all his strength.

“Yes!” she cries in relief, dropping back on the mattress.

He grabs her legs, hooks them over his shoulders, and pulls her to the edge of the bed so he can stand. He nearly folds her in half as he leans over, getting as deep as possible before he starts thrusting at a maddening rate. Her breasts bounce around in his face, making him even harder. Her bound hands fly forward and run through his hair. He shifts his angle and gets what he’s been waiting for, her scream. The scream that makes him pick up speed. She’s close, so he pulls out and hauls her up and against the wall. Her hair is wild and sexy, and she pants and cries as he reenters her. He drops her down onto him and uses her body weight to slam down.

“Oh, god, baby, I’m gonna come so fucking hard,” he growls, biting her neck.

That does it. She bucks, screams, and fists him from the inside. She gives in, tossing her head back. He follows, getting himself as deep inside of her as possible.
