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Cole catches my eye and gives me a little wink, letting me know he’s only fifteen steps away. I nod, swallow hard, and try to keep myself together. Cole’s words repeat over and over in my head. “Just one more day, baby, then we can go home and put all this behind us.”

A door opens, and a light roar of whispers erupts. I keep my eyes locked on Cole’s, suddenly terrified to look over and face my reality. He mouths, “I love you.” I barely nod and tune in to the judge, who is handing the floor over to Lynn’s lawyer.

I’m shaking. I’m not ready. I’m so scared.

I force my eyes over to face my once best friend, my sister, and now my enemy who might get life…if she’s lucky.

Lynn’s face is paler than normal, and she’s dressed to play the part of the young, innocent woman. She’s wearing a cream-colored skirt that hits right above the knee, white blouse, and a baby pink sweater, something Lynn wouldneverwear. Hell, even her hair is down and pinned straight, and she hates her hair that way. I don’t fall for it, of course. I know her, and I see it’s still her in there. I do recognize her body language, right down to how she shifts in that cotton blouse. She hates cotton; Lynn always wears silk. Seeing her obvious attempt to hide her real self lights a small spark deep inside me. Though I do see her wrist is in a brace, and there’s some dark color around an eye. I guess she has been fighting.

Her head lifts, and her eyes lock onto mine. A series of emotions runs through me, but suddenly, the strongest is pity. Not the kind of pity where I wish she weren’t sitting there waiting for her fate to be determined, but the kind where I know she’ll never have a life to call her own.Karma.

I think she misreads my look and gives me a tiny smile and mouths, “Hi, honey.”

I sink my teeth into my cheek to the point of pain, but I let go when the lawyer clears his throat.

“Shall I repeat my question?”

I nod and give him my attention. “How long have you and Lynn been friends?”

“Since…” I cough, begging my voice to return. “Since we were tiny.”

“Would you say she’s like a sister?” My lawyer interrupts, but the judge waves him off.


“You two did everything together?”


“Family trips?”

“Yes.” I shrug.

“Family dinners—”

His voice trails off into nothing when my mind recalls one particular family dinner. I’m sucked into a flashback, and the courtroom fades…

…to my father’s penthouse, where I’m showing up early because traffic was light, as so many people are out of the city for Thanksgiving. I open the door to see the place looks empty, but the smell of turkey makes my stomach jump to attention. Chucking my purse down next to another one, at the time I don’t notice, but now I see it’s hers. The cook is busy in the kitchen, so I leave him be.

“Dad?” I call, removing my shoes from my aching feet. “You here yet?”

I scramble up the twisty stairs to the second floor and come face to face with my flushed father. “Hey, Dad.” I grin, but it fades when I see the panicked look on his face. “Everything all right?”

He pulls my arm and pushes me in front of him, hurrying me down the stairs toward the front door. “Can we re-schedule, dear? Something has come up. I’m sorry, but it can’t be helped.”

“What?” I pull my arm free, only to have him snatch it up again. “But it’s Thanksgiving. What about dinner?”

“Savannah, you’re twenty-two years old. Don’t you think it’s about time you find someone else to spend it with?”

My head snaps back. “Wow! You know, some fathers would kill to have their daughter spend special occasions with them.”

He opens the door and shoves my purse in my hands. “I’ll call you later.” And with that, the door is slammed in my face.

“What the hell was that?” I curse, pulling out my phone as I hurry to the elevator. Once I’m outside, I call Lynn, planning to warn her not to head to Dad’s, since he’s being an ass again. It goes straight to voicemail. I try again, knowing she’ll pick up if I call right after.

“Hello?” Lynn’s muffled voice comes over the line.

“Hey, Lynn. Shit, Dad’s in another damn mood, so I’d suggest—” “Shhh, it’s Savi,” I hear her whisper to someone.
