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I grin. “Lynn, you’re not alone? Where are you?”

“I-I’m at home. I-I was just about to leave, so I’m glad you called.” I plug one ear as a firetruck goes by.

“Shit, Savi, ahh…my landlady is here again, so you know what that means.”

“Yeah, have fun with that.”

The vision fades away, and I’m back in the courtroom. The lawyer is prattling on about something, but I ignore him. I look back over at Lynn. The room feels as if the air is slowly being sucked out through a straw, causing my lungs to shrivel and turn to dust. I realize what an idiot I was not noticing her purse, and now realizing I could hear that firetruck through her phone in the distance.

“You bitch,” I snarl at her. She tilts her head, trying to understand where I’m coming from.

“What was that, Miss Miller?” her lawyer asks, raising a thick eyebrow at me.

“Yes, Lynn attended almost all family events, even some she and my father made up together.” I watch her face fall and the color drain from it.

“How close would you say she was with your father?”

I shake my head while staring at her. She looks panicky, and I realize this is something that hasn’t come out yet. “Is sleeping with my father at twenty-two close enough?” The courtroom suddenly grows loud, and the judge bangs his gavel repeatedly. Once the room settles, the lawyer starts in on me again but never touches on that topic.

I’ve been on the witness stand for an hour and a half, and I’m growing tired. I know I’m stressed because I think I’m getting small Braxton Hicks contractions. Dr. Brown warned me this could happen, so I’m not too concerned. Our lawyer has asked for a recess, seeing my discomfort, but I refused. I just want this to be finished. When I walk out those doors, I’m not coming back in.

Cole is watching me like a hawk. I can see he’s worried; he keeps rubbing his face and twitching. I try to nod and let him know I’m fine, but I’m growing more and more finished with rehashing my life to complete strangers who are judging my every word.

“Miss Miller,” the lawyer mutters, heading back to his table and making a dramatic effect as he thinks, “do you love your father?” I start to answer, but he cuts me off.

“Remember, you are under oath.”

I think about my words to be sure they’re the right ones. “Yes, I love my father, but when he got into politics…”

“So, now you don’t?” he snaps quickly

“Would you?” I snap back, hurt.

“I’m not on the witness stand.” I swear he smirks momentarily.

“My father doesn’t want me, and I don’t want him. It’s simple, and I’ve come to terms with it.” I rub my aching tummy.

He nods, pacing in front of me. “So, you get ‘rescued,’ stay in a safe house, fall in love, get pregnant, all in a very short time? No offense, Miss Miller, but that doesn’t make you look like you’re a grieving victim.” I lock my jaw, but my tongue is battling to be let loose. “What I see,” he turns to address the jurors, “is a rich, bored little girl who hatched this plan and didn’t care who she took down. Should we be looking into the colonel to see if he was involved too?” I know he’s trying to get me to break and let fly at him. I won’t lie, I’m frigging close. I grab my stomach and blink wildly. “Just tell me why. Why hatch such a lie to take down everyone in your family, and especially this woman who was like a sister to you?” I run my sweaty hand over my mouth. “What has she ever done to you?”

I need to get out of here.

“Please,” I whisper, but he keeps talking. “Please.” I heave forward.

“Stop!” Lynn calls, and the whole room stops. “Savi?”

I think I’m going to be sick because she’s trying to show concern for me. I shake my head at her. “Don’t you dare!” I’m nearly in tears now. “You sat across from me in a room while I was being held hostage and didn’t shed a tear for me when I begged you to let me go.” I point my finger at her face. “Yousatacross the table from me while my father shot my friend in the face! Don’t you dare try to pretend you care now!”

“The jury will disregard that last comment,” the judge orders. Every member of that jury is staring at me with concern and interest.

“You screwed your way up the political ladder,” I continue firmly but loudly, “and for what, Lynn? A cell block, a roommate, and shitty food?” The judge is yelling, but I don’t care, raising my voice louder. “You may have taken my life from me, but I found a hell of a lot better one. You’re pathetic. I feel nothing but pity for you!”

“Order! Recess!” The judge bangs his gavel loudly. The clerk helps me up, and I hold the bottom of my stomach. Cole rushes to my side, wrapping a protective arm around my waist and yelling at Morgan that I’m done, no more. They got what they needed from me.

Once we round the corner and are away from the rush of people, Cole turns to check me over. His hands are everywhere. “Are you all right? What can I do? Should I call the doctor?” His words are frantic until he sees my face. “Why are you smiling?”

“Just call me a good actor.” I shrug.

“You’re not hurting?” He looks a little pissed.
