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It makes Mark laugh when all the women in the theater gasp when Scott Eastwood appears on the screen for the first time.

Savi holds a finger up to point at the screen. “Doesn’t that look—”

“Yeah.” He finishes her thought and leans forward to get a better look at the actor. “He could be his brother.”

“That’s crazy,” she whispers, and Mark dismisses the comparison and goes back to his mocking.

He doesn’t really get the appeal of a cowboy. All that plaid and suede makes his skin twitch. Not to mention the chafing that saddle must do to a man’s parts.Ouch. He was all for wide-open spaces, rolling mountains, crazy weather, and women in tight jeans, but riding a bull is plain suicide.Yes, okay, let’s climb up on top of a wild beast. Let’s choose one who wants to kick your ass badly for trying to ride him like a horse…Pass! I’ll stick to the Cartels.

Keith looks equally unimpressed, but Mark does notice he’s covering his ear. Mark looks back to the movie—which, of course, is at a sad part—then back at Keith, who is smirking.Wait!He pulls his phone halfway out of his pocket and texts him.

Mark: What’s the score?

He smirks.

Keith: 3-2 Kings

Mark: How much longer is this movie?

Keith: Long enough for me to listen to the rest of the game.

Savannah looks at Mark with a raised eyebrow. He smiles and sinks back into his seat and watches a girl speaking with an old man about some box.I am going to go mad!Where’s all the action? His knee starts to bounce. He can say he needs more soda. Or more food…at least that is more believable. Mark is, of course, always hungry.

Savannah’s hand suddenly slaps down on his arm, and her other one clamps on Keith’s. She’s staring at the seat in front of her as her grip tightens.

“Shit!” she curses at a quiet part of the movie. A few people look over, but they soon turn back to the screen.

“What’s wrong?” Keith’s tone snaps her attention back to the two men.

“Water,” she huffs. “Water broke.”

Mark leans forward, and sure enough, her skirt has a wet spot between her thighs.

“Eyes north, Mark!” she barks then leans forward as another contraction takes her hostage.“Ahhh!”

“Okay.” Keith stands and carefully fits his huge body in front of her and crouches down to her level. He takes her hands. “Look at me, Savi.” She does, but Mark can tell it’s hard for her. “We need to get you out of here.”

“I can’t have this baby yet. It’s not time.” Her voice shakes, but Keith remains calm while Mark just sits there waiting for him to run this show.

“This could be nothing, Savi, but either way, we need to go.” Before she can resist, he scoops her up and places her on her unsteady feet. Mark follows and doesn’t think about the fact he has her purse hooked over his arm.

They burst through the doors and have her on a quiet bench before another contraction comes. Keith bends down again and starts to time them.

“Oh-hell-this-hurts!” Her knuckles are white as she holds on to the lip of the bench. Keith gives Mark a nod to call Cole.Oh, shit, this is it!

He drops her stuff at her feet and steps away. It rings and rings, but no answer.Shit!He tries again.

“Lopez, what’s wrong?”

Mark glances at Savannah, who has her head against Keith’s shoulder as she comes down from her lastFritterattack.

“You need to come home. Savannah is going into labor.”

“What?” His voice is calm, but Mark knows him better than that.

Keith mouths the details, and Mark relays them to Cole. “Her contractions are five minutes apart and last for thirty seconds. They look painful.”

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