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“You think?” Savannah’s harsh voice sends a shiver through him.

He turns so she can’t hear. “She’s getting a little scary, dude.”

The noise in the background fades away, and he knows Cole is outside. Frank’s voice cuts in, and Mark hears him tell the pilot to stand by.

“Put me on speakerphone so I can talk with her.”

He rushes over and switches it to speaker. “Go ahead, Cole.”

“Cole?” Savannah’s tone nearly makes him choke up. She seems so scared, and she breaks down when she hears Cole’s voice.

“Hey, baby, Frank is getting the chopper ready. I need you to hold on until I get there.”

She groans in pain as another contraction rips through her.

“Keith.” Cole’s voice is all business. Keith takes the phone off speaker and listens.

“Copy that, Logan.” He holds the phone to her ear, and a few tears slip down her flushed cheeks.

“Okay. I love you too.”

Keith ends the call and stands. “Go get the car. I’ll meet you out there. Call ahead to the hospital so they know we’re coming.”

Mark races to the car and blasts the heat since she is always cold, and then he makes the call. Keith helps Savannah into the back seat and crawls in next to her. Thankfully, Red Stone is a small town, and within three minutes they are racing into Labor and Delivery.

“Savannah Miller?” A nurse hurries to their side and takes in Savannah’s appearance. “Who’s the father?”

“He’s on the way,” Keith informs her.

“Are you family?”

“Yes,” they answer in unison. Mark catches her eyeing the purse over his shoulder. He rolls his eyes and mentally slaps himself for hanging it there. He drops it on Savi’s lap and bets the nurse thinks he and Keith are a couple. At this point, she can think what she wants. He just needs Savannah to be out of pain.

Within twenty minutes, she’s checked in and placed in a huge room with all kinds of interesting-looking tools. They strap a band around her belly to record her contractions.

“Oh, cool!” Mark points to the monitor when a contraction comes. It’s neat to see the graph shoot up high when it is at its peak.

“Mark,” she pants and holds out her hand for him to take. The moment he does, she yanks him down with enormous strength so they are face to face. Her black eyes show him her rage.

“So help me God, if you ever say it’s cool when my contractions peak, I will chop you up and sell your organs on the black market. Do you understand me?”

“Yup.” He swallows back a shiver. She can be a bit frightening sometimes. “Got it.”

Her shoulders relax before she lets him go and leans back into the bed.

“Savi,” Keith’s voice is soothing, “get comfortable, because this may take a while.”

Mark quickly steps away and pulls out his phone when he hears Keith chuckling from the corner. How is he so calm, and why is it he seems to know things?

Paul: We’re all here in the waiting room. Keep us updated, or if you need anything.

Mark: Perhaps some pain meds for my hand Savi almost broke when the devil spoke through her. She’s scary right now. Anyone wanna trade places with me?

Paul: We all voted, and you lost. You have to stay put.

He cringes and looks back at her pale face as she sucks on an ice chip Keith gave her.

An hour later, Dr. Brown comes in wearing bright blue tennis shoes and a long white coat. “Hello, Savannah. How are you feeling?”
