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Her breath hitched as that finger grazed her clit, but she maintained her glare. “Well, no, not now, you jerk.”

I chuckled, and yanked her pants the rest of the way off.

“That’s what I thought.” I smirked at her. “Besides, I promise I’ll help you get your work out in.”

The bra was as bad as I had feared, and it took both of us to get it off her. I was panting before we’d even gotten to the good stuff. I dropped onto the mattress on my side, and pulled April into my chest. I lifted her leg high around my waist and put her flexibility to good use as I slid into her tight, welcoming heat and fucked her hard and deep.

Twenty minutes later, we were sprawled out on the floor, most of the bedding having fallen off the mattress with us.

“Be honest,” I murmured, turning my head to look at April, her face flushed from the three orgasms I’d given her. “Was that little yoga performance real, or for my benefit?”

“Fifty-fifty,” she answered, giggling.

Clearly, I’d badly underestimated April Dodd. And I realized she just might be the death of me.



The arrangement with Ryan had been going so much better than I ever could have hoped, but even we needed to take a break occasionally. Unfortunately, there was absolutely nothing else to do in the cabin if we weren’t actively having sex. I now totally understood why people had so many kids back in the day during the long winters. Boredom. Mystery solved.

After leaving my bedroom, Ryan and I had moved back into the living room. We’d been sitting on the couch, mostly in silence, trying to entertain ourselves on our phones for nearly an hour. Without Wi-Fi, that meant that I was reduced to organizing and deleting old photos, and Ryan was doing something with his calendar. Even with the sexy six-foot hunk of a man next to me, I was losing my mind. I was wracking my brain trying to think of anything else we could do. I wasn’t sure the board games would have nearly the same appeal without the flirtatious implications. It was a definite possibility for later, but not right now.

“Hey. You know what I just realized,” I said suddenly. “It’s Christmas Eve.”

“No kidding,” Ryan replied in a dry tone.

“I just meant, why don’t we do something festive? I know that my mom is the Christmas freak, and she normally takes care of all that stuff, but we might as well have our own little celebration,” I said, getting excited about my idea. “It seems kind of sad to just sit here and ignore the entire holiday, right?”

Ryan finally looked up from his phone to give me a quizzical look. “Do something . . . like what?”

“Well. I don’t know. Decorate maybe?” I suggested. “There are those boxes of ornaments and lights, and other stuff downstairs, and usually dad and Jeremy go out to cut down a tree, right? We could do those things. That way when my family does eventually make it here, we’ll be all ready for them.”

“Uhh. You want to go cut down a tree? The two of us. Right now?” he asked, an amused grin on his face.

He clearly thought that I was nuts.

“Just a little one. Are you saying you can’t handle it?” I taunted him, knowing he wouldn’t back down from the challenge. I’d already proven that.

He glanced toward the small living room window. “Can we even walk outside? There was almost three feet of snow last time I looked.”

I had the feeling that he wasn’t thrilled about the idea of going out into the cold. It was one of the few things we had in common, an abhorrence of all things winter. I’d risk it for the possibility of a Christmas tree and a few hours of amusement, though. I just had to convince Ryan to help me because power tools were not my forte.

Luckily, when we looked out the back window where the yard led to a forest, it wasn’t too bad. That side of the cabin was protected by a thick wall of trees, so it had never gotten as much snow as the front, and the wind had already blown away some of what had initially accumulated in that area. There was maybe a foot of snow left, but nothing insurmountable. And when we found my dad’s gas powered chainsaw in the basement a few minutes later, I knew that I had Ryan.

“I’m probably going to regret this, but let’s do it.” Ryan sighed.

So, we bundled up in all of our winter gear, and shoveled our way out the door, little by little. Eventually we made into the back yard.

The first thing I did once we got outside was pelt Ryan with an expertly formed snowball. I’d been waiting to do that for days. Years, even. The resulting splat was almost as satisfying as the sex.Almost.

“Are you serious, April? What are you, ten?” He yelled in annoyance.

But he wasted no time in dropping the saw and scooping up his own handful of snow. With lightning reflexes, he threw the ammunition my way. I ducked behind a massive tree, but not before getting hit in the arm. Repressing a laugh, I peeked around the trunk, and saw that Ryan had found his own shield behind an exceptionally high mound of snow. But when he peered over it, scoping out my position, I could see that he was grinning.

I giggled and re-loaded. Ryan admittedly had way better aim than I did, and a stronger arm, but I held my own. There was lots of smack talking involved as we battled it out and I couldn’t help but think that playing and laughing with him was exceptionally fun. It was exactly what we both needed. The fresh air, and the physical activity that didn’t involve body parts.

Fifteen exhilarating minutes later, Ryan called for a truce.

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