Page 61 of Sable's Santa Daddy

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“Her parents are not fans of mine. They don’t think I’m good enough for Sable which they’re probably right about, but not for the right reasons. I don’t make enough money for their tastes, I’m not from their world. They don’t give a shit about whether I love their daughter and I get the feeling they care even less if she loves me.”

Pictures of Sable after they’d spent time with her parents drifted into his mind and he was filled anew with hatred for these people who dulled his little girl’s shine and shamed her for…for breathing, it felt like. They were the worst.

“Anyway, we were at their holiday party earlier and Sable’s father asked to talk to me. And he— Fuck, this is out of a movie you guys. But this asshole offered to pay me if I’d break up with her. And he threatened her job and her apartment and my business if I didn’t do it.”

Ian’s green eyes had gone wider but Ryker’s expression hadn’t changed. The man was like a robot made flesh. But it didn’t matter if Ryker liked him as long as he and Ian believed him.

“I could’ve totally lost my cool and yelled at the fucker. That’s what I wanted to do. But more than that, I wanted to get Sable away from these people for good. And even though they’re shitty to her, she still wants to please them and make them happy. She’s a grown woman and she can make her own decisions but I wanted her to have all the information about her parents when she makes those decisions. So…”

Jethro took the contract wrapped around the check from his pocket and slid it across the table to Ian and Ryker.

“I agreed. Got him to write me a check on the spot, draw up a contract for the rest and had Arthur Tyndall witness the whole thing. Made me sick to do it but what would’ve made me want to rip my own guts out was thinking she’d never know what snakes her parents are.”

Ian picked up the paper and unfolded it, letting out a low whistle when he saw the amount on the check and then a startled “Holy shit” when he read the contract.

Ryker looked at them but didn’t say a damn word. Guy was stone cold.

“I will destroy that check as soon as Sable has seen it and I won’t be giving Duncan Hollingsford my account info so he can transfer the rest. If he offered me a hundred million dollars, I wouldn’t take it. All I want is Sable. She’s priceless and I love her with my whole heart. Guys, you gotta believe me.”

He scanned their faces, his chest feeling tight as he did. Did they believe him? Would they let him see Sable now? What other hoops did they want him to jump through? He’d do it. Just point him in the right direction and tell him how high and he’d do it for as long as his heart held out.

Before either one of them could answer—and really, it’d be Ian, who was he kidding—Jethro whipped his head around at the sound of a soft voice.
